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MachineDrum control mode idea

latigid on

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Not sure if we're starting new threads for features now, but here goes:

The MachineDrum is one hell of an instrument but to make full use of its best features one can't sequence it externally. But it does respond to CC. So in theory, one could fill up a pattern (every step active on the MD), start the SEQ with the MD slaved, then "sequence" it by sending a CC "unmute" event when the step is active, followed by a CC "mute" event when the step is finished, or just before the next one starts. The MD is set to a "base channel" and CCs are assigned using an offset of +0, +1, +2 or +3.

MD track    Base chan   CC      Value
1           +0          12      0 = unmute
2           +0          13      >0 = mute
3           +0          14
4           +0          15
5           +1          12
6           +1          13
7           +1          14
8           +1          15
9           +2          12
10          +2          13
11          +2          14
12          +2          15
13          +3          12
14          +3          13
15          +3          14
16          +3          15



It would cut a long sample into 1/16th note steps, although you could "tie" a few notes together. In this case only one unmute and mute command should be sent. EDIT no, it would re-trigger on the MD... short sounds only.
Swing, delay and other interesting effects would not work as intended. 


Any thoughts?


Edited by latigid on
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Loving the machinedrum a lot here, too! :)

Currently, for me, using the machinedrum sequencer as a slave to the mbseq is already very nice and offers more possibilities than the seq as a drumsequencer alone. For example, the MD has those parameter locks, the 16 crazy LFOs, the ram/sampler machines...  but i know you probably want to control the MD pattern contents via BLM, which makes sense! :-)

If you are "just" aiming for simple whole-track mute/unmutes (like ableton clips), some time ago, I had the idea of writing a small external "mute/unmute" arranger/controller box, that can handle muting/unmuting of tracks on the mbseq (and should be able to handle that on the md, too). I know, that there is song mode for that on the seq, but i was thinking of a retro inspired tracker-style mute/unmute interface for up to 16 seq tracks and 16 md tracks. Unfortunately, there is currently not much time available here, and also that idea differs quite a bit from your usecase - I guess you'd wish to "step-program" the MD externally, to which I unfortunately also have no solution, because you'd really want those additional track-features the MD has to offer... if you don't want them, you could use a simple 60€ sampler like an E-MU ESI instead with the same results and easier MIDI control...

Many greets!




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I bet TK. would love to program my idea! :P The SEQ wouldn't send MIDI notes but replace the Note On/Note Off with CC12(13/14/15) 0 and CC12... 128. So every MD track would be full of 16/32/48/64 notes depending on the length and the pattern would form out of muting/unmuting. One could still program parameter locks on the MD! But perhaps it's half-baked because all of the reverb tails and delays would also get gated (I think)...

I wish the pattern entry could be hacked directly! Oh well!

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