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SID audio input... Worth the effort?


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I've tried searching these forums and Google in general and I haven't found any significant or clear examples of what you can do with audio input... Is the fact that there don't seem to be any examples of folks running a mic or a guitar into the SID evidence that it doesn't work that well if at all?

If there aren't any good applications of using the audio in to manipulate external audio I might skip it and just set up a feedback knob.

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I've used it, but never bothered to make a demo of it.


It's pretty much what it says on the tin. Send audio through the SID filter. If you like the sound of the filter, it's probably useful for you. The reason you don't see it used much is the relatively small userbase of MB SIDs, combined with the fact that the SID filter is a bit lackluster compared to other analog filters.

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