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Midibox SEQ V4 not updating via MIOS

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Hi all,

I'm sorry to have to lean on the knowledge of the forum again, I have spent two nights trying to understand this issue before reaching out, I appreciate anyones time in replying.

I have just been given a second midibox ( I have not built either ) , my first one has never had a problem with updating the firmware via MIOS and I am sufficiently aware of how it is "normally" done. I am connecting via the DIN MIDI in / out to USB cable that I have used on my other midibox , I have also tried using the standard USB input (which would not "see" the core at all).

my new midibox seq v4 came with OS V4.090 and is using MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 , I am matching the hex file I am trying to upload to this.

when I connect my MIDI to USB interface cables to MIDI in/out 1 and start up mios and select "VIEWCON" for midi in and "MIDIOUT2 (VIEWCON)" for midi out , the core is connecting and I am getting the normal information in the lefthand reading plane... "core type , OS,  serial, mem size etc etc"

I am then selecting the correct hex file which itself is reading correctly into the righthand  reading pane, ending with "press start button to begin upload" .... I do click on start  BUT then the following happens in RED

MIOS32 Bootloader Mode cannot be entered - try again?

the left hand LCD of my midibox does briefly change to BOOTLOADER MODE but then the unit resets

this new MIDIBOX I have received has its SD card soldered directly to the board but other than that appears to work the same as my old unit.


if anyone can offer any help it would be really appreciated.  



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What operating system are you using? The standard MIDI drivers of Win10 didn't work for me but some kludging with the GM5 MIDI driver seemed to help. 

What MIDI interface are you using? It might be on the blacklist (check MIDIbox dokuwiki). DIN MIDI goes much slower compared to the USB version.

It could be that the bootloader is corrupted?? Do you get a valid MIDI over USB connection when holding down the blue button at power on/reset?

Both the Newbie and Expert info pages are useful:

I'd suggest checking to see if the bootloader can be accessed, if not it can be re-flashed with ST-link. 

You might play around with updated MIDI drivers:

(assuming a 64-bit OS).


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Thanks for your advice so far...

The midibox is fully built / cased and working on v4.090 , all I would like to do is update to the latest fw.

my computer os is Windows 7 64bit I have been using the Korg drivers just fine on my other midibox along with a generic MIDI I/O USB ( one of the Chinese ones with a blue plastic box and two grey leads) ... it will still work for updating my other midibox .


is the "BLUE BUTTON"  you mention on the actual circuit or is it supposed to be on the front panel ? mine is cased in a wilba type case and I have yet to open it ( would avoid it if possible )  as I am no electroncs expert, hence trading to get this midibox.


thanks for the help

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Hi there,

I just tried that and it fails in the same way...

power up MIDIBOX and then power up MIOS studio - ok - MIDIBOX LCD showing normal "play" screen

select midi in = viewcon and midi out = midiout2 (viewcon) - ok ( gives me the os in the left hand box)- MIDIBOX LCD still showing normal "play" screen

browse to project.hex in folder MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 , click open )

right hand pane reads

Reading project.hex
project.hex contains 86768 bytes (340 blocks).
Range 0x08000000-0x08003fff (16384 bytes) - BL excluded
Range 0x08004000-0x080041ff (512 bytes) - STM32 Flash
Range 0x08010000-0x080211ff (70144 bytes) - STM32 Flash
Press start button to begin upload.

- MIDIBOX LCD still showing normal "play" screen


then press start - returns the following

Reading project.hex
Trying to contact the core...
project.hex contains 86768 bytes (340 blocks).
Range 0x08000000-0x08003fff (16384 bytes) - BL excluded
Range 0x08004000-0x080041ff (512 bytes) - STM32 Flash
Range 0x08010000-0x080211ff (70144 bytes) - STM32 Flash
MIOS32 Bootloader Mode cannot be entered - try again? 

- MIDIBOX LCD Screen switches to "bootloader mode" but then switches back as the final bit of text comes up.


if I try again that repeats the same message in the right hand pane, but this time the MIDIBOX LCD stays on after


if I try start once more, the message in the right hand pane changes to


Reading project.hex
Trying to contact the core...
project.hex contains 86768 bytes (340 blocks).
Range 0x08000000-0x08003fff (16384 bytes) - BL excluded
Range 0x08004000-0x080041ff (512 bytes) - STM32 Flash
Range 0x08010000-0x080211ff (70144 bytes) - STM32 Flash
WARNING: no response from core
Please reboot the core (e.g. turning off/on power)!
Waiting for upload request...


MIDIBOX LCD stays on until powered off to reset

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Hm, the fact that USB is not working at all is strange, and you should imho look into it, and try to get it working. Can you switch the cable? Some are "power-only", no data lines connected...What exactly happens when you connect it via USB to the computer? How is the SEQ powered? Do you have another machine (linux, mac or another windows) available for testing, e.g. another laptop?

There might also be some problems with the USB MIDI device, even if it worked on another MIDIbox... do you have any other interface available? (I once tried an Akai MPD as a USB-MIDI converter, which drove me nuts, about the same behaviour as you described).

Many greets,


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I have opened up my MIDIbox and need a little more help, sorry...


I can see the blue button, I can also see that the external cases USB IO is really just a convertor with a regular USB cable inside the midibox that then goes to mini USB on the circuit board... am I best off plugging my PC directly into that, or still using the MIDI DIN in and out ... (for when I press the blue button)



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hi there, the USB that came with it was plugged into the MICRO not the MINI side.

I have now replaced the MICRO cable and get the following

MIDI IN options are 





same options for the MIDI OUT drop down... however ALL combinations result in the following message in red on the left hand reading pane


No response from MIOS8 or MIOS32 core!
Check MIDI IN/OUT connections
and Device ID!
For debugging see also
Help->MIDI Troubleshooting

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