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the goal will be of course to put that in MB-Platform only, to reduce Miditraffic, and do all that Automation-Indication with SRIO.

The Goal here will be on Midibox Side a UI-Free Interface (so all parameters are done on BCR) ... will see...

how ever i programmed it for bcr, because, i have 3 of those @ home and i cant sold them because they are scratched, dirty, in really bad optical and technical condition... (one of it i have since 2007 or so and i had it on partys, i jamed longs nights on it... i repared it....) and i am not the only one who have it... so it is good idea for mankind to make such thing! i worked 2 days and nights on it, then i made a jam, here it is!


8x32 automated encoders in 32th resoultion = a lot of traffic.... i reduced it to that, for one machine it is enough...

by software side you have 8 BCR-Pages with a 29 CCs which can be controlled and automated

8 pages on 8 midichannels, or with shared midichannels...you can choose... so have 2 pages to control the 64 parameters of waldorf pulse...

and 6 pages to control the 6 voices of Nord Drum2 on seperate midichannels....


I have started a documentation on it:


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