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16F88 programming issues


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I am trying to program a bunch of pic16f88's using a picket2 clone and the windows picket software (PICkit 2 v2.61)..
Just connecting the pic and detecting it does not seem to be a problem
But apply-ing +13.1v killed 2 pic's and a programmer :(( Ok I am aware I am a noob but I did not expect this to be so difficult.
Could any one give me some hint what I am doing wrong?

icsp header        16F88 pin  Powersuppy

1 vpp                  4

2 vdd                  14              +13.1V

3 GND/vss          5                -

4 PGD/DAT         13

5 PGC/CLK         12

6 Aux / NC

Then I got a 10k resistor between 16F88 pin 4 and 5.
+13.1V (Vdd) applied to 16F88 pin 14
and the negative to GND 16F88 pin 5
I do not have anything else connected (no crystal ed)
The software is set to not power the target pic of course.
Now after applying the voltage my programmer was dead and 2 pic's are not detected at all anymore. 

So I still have 2 working pics and another picket2 clone to give it a try.
Thanks in advance,




From Tashikoma in another post:

my pinning yours is right

PICKIT_PIN1- 16F88_PIN4 a 10k resistor between PICKIT PIN 3 (so 16f88_pin5  ( vdd ))

PICKIT_PIN2 -16F88_PIN14 (Vcc) to connector for external power supply

PICKIT_PIN3-16F88_PIN5 ( vdd ) and to connector for external power supply




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Well, sorry to hear of your troubles. Vcc (vdd) should be no more than 5.5V, so that's the main problem.  And I don't think you need the R in there, but I use a ICD2 with a simple header-to-socket board so not sure of the PicKit2. In fact, after checking, the ICD2 has PGM going to RB3 pin 9 (to enter LV Programming Mode), but this signal isn't on the PicKit2. I think the PicKit2 generates the Vpp 13.1v to enter Programming mode with Rb6 and RB7, but Vdd to the chip should never be above 5.5V



Edited by yogi
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Well, the 16f88 is supported by the PICkit 2 and you should be able to program one directly on a breadboard. The biggest problem is if you load a Hex that sets the MCLR to a GPIO or uses timers (that use RB6 or 7), so once the code boots you can't enter PRG mode to verify or erase.

I would advise against trying to 'force feed' Vpp to the chip as you can't control the timing needed and likely kill the chip.

With a fresh chip you should be able to connect the PICkit 2 header, as above without external 13.1V or Vdd, and the PICkit 2 will supply Vdd and Vpp to the chip. If your USB port can't supply the needed current for the PICkit try using a powered hub.

This is a very basic breadboard setup (pretty much what I use with the ICD2) :



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Hi Yogi and Latigid on, Thanks for the heads up.

This is the picket2 clone i have, its a cheap one.

The programmer is fried so not word to show it here :)

" The biggest problem is if you load a Hex that sets the MCLR to a GPIO or uses timers (that use RB6 or 7), so once the code boots you can't enter PRG mode to verify or erase. "

Hmm yes actualy on the 2 chips i have left  "data protect" is enabled and erasing it does not work. Perhaps i should measure the vdd if its suffiecient?








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Whoohoo This noob is so happy, I managed to flash the pics with a pickit 2 clone from ebay (see the picture below).
Once I connected the module to j4a 4 lights flashed and in mios is can see the IIC module is detected!!!
It is much easier than I thought. Just connect the pic directly to the programmer, no external voltage. (thanks latigid on and Yogi!)

1. Connect the Pickit 2 clone to the chip
icsp header        16F88 pin

1 vpp                  4
2 vdd                  14            
3 GND/vss          5             
4 PGD/DAT         13
5 PGC/CLK         12
6 Aux / NC

2. In the Pickit2 software: Select [Device Family], [Midrange], [Standard]
3. Your device should be detected. ( If not its either broken or the conenctions are wrong )
4. Open the hex file and select [Write] after that [Verify]
5. Just to be sure I restarted the Pickit2 software and  selected [Read] again.

If all went well and you used (mbhp_iic_midi_v1_0c.zip) you should see the same as on the screenshot.





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