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Using "ALL" button as "REC" (with light)


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Hi all,

I am getting to grips with the MBSEQ_HW.V4 file after a few years off altering stuff and I am half way to my goal...


what I want to do is re-purpose the "ALL" button (  which I don't find myself using much ) as a dedicated record button BUT WITH THE LED toggling between on and off as the unit comes in and out of record.

I would find this really useful... I can already map the button itself using the SR and Pin of 4   6 but I can't figure out how to make the buttons LED toggle between off ( not in rec mode) and on ( in rec mode)


can anyone throw some light on this?





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sorry, ignore my original question... I figured it out after a bit of scrolling.. just go to the part of the HW file that reals with LEDs, turn the numbers next to the LED ALL to 0 and hen put the same numbers next ot LED REC ...more or less exactly like the button.. I just didn't  realise it would be that easy!!



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