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J16 LPC1769 SPI -TTP229

Dj Marco BH

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Hi all, I will not use the SDcard. I will use a capacitive touch sensor TTP229 at 2 wires(16 keys). http://www.tontek.com.tw/download.asp?sn=726

I was able to use the sensor on the J16. using the "SI" and "SC" pin.

How to configure the J16 pins for two "SI" inputs?Or how to configure II2C and I2S for SI and SC? I want to use at least two TTP229


Below the code for J16 PIN SI.


#define MIOS32_SPI0_IN_INIT { MIOS32_SYS_LPC_PINMODE(1, 24, 2); \
                              MIOS32_SYS_LPC_PINMODE(1, 23, 0); \
                              MIOS32_SYS_LPC_PINMODE(1, 22, 2); \
                              MIOS32_SYS_LPC_PINMODE(1, 21, 2); \
                              MIOS32_SYS_LPC_PINMODE(1, 20, 2); }


u8 receive;
u8 receive1;
u8 flag1=0;
u8 flag2=0;
char valor1;
char valor2;

void APP_Init(void)
  // initialize all LEDs


void APP_Tick(void)
   receive=MIOS32_SPI_TransferByte(0,receive); /////valor 255 if not pressed
   receive1=MIOS32_SPI_TransferByte(0,receive1);////valor 255 if not pressed
    if(receive<255 && flag1==0)//////if pressed
    {   valor1=receive-127;
        MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(DEFAULT, Chn4, valor1, 127);
    //    MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Recebido:%u  FLAG1:%u\n",valor1, flag1);
    if(receive==255 && flag1==1 )
        MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOff(DEFAULT, Chn4, valor1, 0);
    if(receive1<255 && flag2==0)//////if pressed
        MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(DEFAULT, Chn5, valor2, 127);
    if(receive1==255 && flag2==1)
        MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOff(DEFAULT, Chn5, valor2, 0);


Video Test in Portuguese ...

SO to SI.jpg

Edited by Dj Marco BH
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Exactly, it does not have CS.

I think it's not an I2C because it has no address.

It communicates using 16 clock pulses, each pulse reads a key, seems to be a proprietary protocol similar to SPI without CS.

Where can I find information on how to control any LPC pin? For example: the I2C pins.


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On 25/09/2017 at 8:11 PM, Antichambre said:

I think this can help too.
See intouch() and getbit() functions, this is the mechanism I was talking about.

Best regards

I was able to adapt the code, it's a bit messy but it works. I used J28 Board !!! And you can still use one more TTP229 !!

Some things in the code are being repeated, then I will improve the code.


#include <mios32.h>
#include "app.h"
//#include "TTP229.h"
// include everything FreeRTOS related we don't understand yet ;)
#include <FreeRTOS.h>
#include <portmacro.h>
#include <task.h>
#include <queue.h>
#include <semphr.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

char sclPin;
char sdoPin;
const int SCL_PIN = 1;  // The pin number of the clock pin.
const int SDO_PIN = 2;  // The pin number of the data pin.
char _key16;
char i=0;
char key;
char keypress;
/////////TTP229 Functions////////////////////////////

void TTP229(char sclPin, char sdoPin)

bool GetBit()
    bool retVal = !MIOS32_BOARD_J28_PinGet(2);
    return retVal;
bool IsTouch()
    unsigned timeout = 6000; // 50ms timeout
    while (MIOS32_BOARD_J28_PinGet(2)) // DV LOW
        if (timeout-1 == 0) return false;
    while (!MIOS32_BOARD_J28_PinGet(2)) // DV HIGH
        if (timeout-1 == 0) return false;
    MIOS32_DELAY_Wait_uS(10); // Tw
    return true;

char GetKey16()
    if (IsTouch()) Key16();
    return _key16;
void Key16()
    _key16 = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
    if (GetBit())_key16 = i + 1;        
    MIOS32_DELAY_Wait_uS(2000); // Tout

void APP_Init(void)
   TTP229(SCL_PIN, SDO_PIN);  

void APP_Tick(void)
  key = GetKey16();
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(DEFAULT, Chn4, keypress, 127);
if(key==0 )
     MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(DEFAULT, Chn4, keypress, 0);


/////////// in app.h add lines//////////////////////////////

extern void APP_AIN_NotifyChange(u32 pin, u32 pin_value);
extern void Key16(void);
extern void TTP229(char sclPin, char sdoPin);


Edited by Dj Marco BH
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