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programming the midibox core


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Is it possible to program a 18f452 just using a pickit 3 without resorting to midi. Ive spent 3 weeks trying to get mios studio and midi ox to communicate with the core with no success. I'm on my third midi interface, second lot of midi cables and built 2 different cores, one with a pic18f452 and the other with a pic18f4620 midi gets sent through the input and I've shorted the two pins together as in the instructions and midi comes out of the board and makes it correctly into my midi monitor so i can send midi notes, controllers and sysex from the laptop through the core and into my midi monitor but still cant get any core to connect to mios studio, just about to bin the whole lot and move on with my life tbh four wasted weeks!

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Yes correct!
If bootloader is programmed correctly, you should connect it to MIOS STUDIO and get a message from the Core which says Core is ready. If not it's a midi issue...
- Check that you did not reverse any pin from J12/J13 to your MIDI DIN connectors...
- Check resistors value around 6N138 optocoupler IC, R5, R6, R7, R8, R11, D1 should be in the right way. Check the optocoupler itself(IC2 6N138), replace it if you can.


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I get the message "no response from mios8 or mios3 core" however if I unplug the PIC and power the board, linking the midi rx and tx pins 25 & 26, and connect my midi monitor box to the core midi out, it shows note, mod wheel a controller information when I send it from mios studio, so I'm a bit puzzled.

I've got another core board, so I'm going to build another with totally different components and a new PIC and I'm getting another midi interface, surely this will work,

thanks for your help, it confirms I'm not doing something stupid.

Thanks Graham

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Just now, graham said:

if I unplug the PIC and power the board, linking the midi rx and tx pins 25 & 26, and connect my midi monitor box to the core midi out, it shows note, mod wheel a controller information when I send it from mios studio, so I'm a bit puzzled.

Seems your MIDI I/O and Power are fine, You made a good test for that.

5 minutes ago, graham said:

it confirms I'm not doing something stupid.

Nothing stupid for sure.

Maybe maybe maybe..
During the bootloader programming. You did "Write and Verify", Any message Nothing wrong?
Always In your programmer software, check if the Configuration Bits are well loaded during the hex file load. if Not do it manually.

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Got as far as burning the "software implemented loopback test" this worked, so I concluded that the hardware, pic and midi were all working!

but still got the message that "mios wouldntt connect"

tried to load a hex file and got the message "unable to connect" but it then loaded the file!

I've now loaded hex files and got the core working and the display is working.

no idea why mios studio says its not getting a response and can't connect but still it loads files?

anyway I'm extremely happy now, thanks for all your help and giving me ideas and the will to carry on, I couldn't have done it without you so once again many thanks for your help and time responding to me.

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2 hours ago, graham said:

no idea why mios studio says its not getting a response and can't connect but still it loads files?

Sometimes after a lot of test and try, I loose connection... Then I restart everything and it connects again.
But,  "not connected and still load hex" never happens to me.


2 hours ago, graham said:

anyway I'm extremely happy now, thanks for all your help and giving me ideas and the will to carry on, I couldn't have done it without you so once again many thanks for your help and time responding to me.

You're welcome.

Best regards



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