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I need a multiport MIDI router to connect the sequencer with the PC's MIDI outs


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Hi there, I need some input into how to best merge some MIDI Outs.

First some background: I have the MB SeqV4 with four MIDI outs. I ordered an Expert Sleepers ES-40 and ES-8MD module to get tight MIDI out form my computer. If you don't know these modules, it is a system that uses an SPDIF audio stream to transport MIDI data out of the computer as audio (the conversion is done by their custom software), then their hardware modules translates the audio back to MIDI (or CV, depending on the connected module). The advantage is much improved timing, they even claim it to be sample accurate. I have been successfully using an Innerclock Sync Gen for several years, this is a device that uses the same concept, but only generates an ultra-stable MIDI clock. The advantage of the Expert Sleepers modules is thus that they can transport ALL MIDI information, ie. notes, CCs, Sysex, you name it. 

I now want to merge the Sequencer's Out1 with the Expert Sleepers' Out1, 2 with 2, 3 with 3, 4 with 4. What is the best solution to achieve this? On Innerclock Systems' web page, they have a category called the "Litmus Test", where they test  jitter of various pieces of MIDI gear. I bought a second-hand Roland A-880 MIDI patchbay because of that, assuming this would be able to merge any inputs together to any outputs, which now that I actually tried to program it, it turns out it's not able to do (can only merge two inputs, WTF...). 

My first idea was to simply connect the four outs of the Expert Sleepers' system to the four ins of the MB SeqV4, then use the MIDI router to merge the data. However it seems like the router does not pass all data. Eg. it seems to filter all SYSEX. Another downside obviously is that if I do this, all the Inputs of the Sequencer are taken up. I can work around that by using another USB MIDI Interface to connect all the outs of my synths and route those in Ableton, my DAW, back into the MB Seq for live recording etc. But, as I hope you will agree, this is gonna be quite a complicated set-up, relying on a lot of routing in many different spots!

Does anybody have an easy and simple suggestion on how to best achieve my merging needs? As you can probably figure from the above, I have a huge aversion to the timing instabilities that come with running MIDI on a computer out to hardware via conventional USB MIDI interfaces. In combination with Ableton Live this has never worked in my experience.

Before you ask, I actually want to do this because I really like the MB Seq for generating interesting patterns, but it's just to complicated for me to even try and make an arrangement on it (not helped by the fact that mutes on drum tracks are not saved with the patterns).  I also simply don't get the logic behind the whole Pattern Bank system and how to switch to a different pattern via MIDI PC (which would be automatable from the DAW) - well I guess that's a whole other topic though.


Looking forward to your inputs! And no, I have absolutely zero programming ability, so programming my own app to do this is out of the question.

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Hi TK, Ah, I didn't know that, will give it a try and report back on how well it works. 

Ilmenator: But that is still with PICs, I wouldn't even know how to flash those tbh! Would also much prefer an 8 i, 4 out box or something like that.

Thanks for your inputs!




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