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Seq v4 build finished - E131 D5 error - Solved


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This is my first build since my teens around 35 years ago so. Thoroughly enjoying it and likely to be the first of many projects from now on.

I have almost finished my Seq v4, a basic version with 2 midi I/O boards, and have almost finished the Wilba CS board.

I have a couple of questions though based on Hawkeyes thread and this blog:  https://niroke.blogspot.co.uk/2017/07/an-unofficial-build-guide-for-midibox.html?showComment=1508576379601#c8456553481471882587

1) What value should R5A and R6A be?   Hawkeyes thread says 220ohm, but in the Mouser BOM it is two 220 ohm short for this but includes 2 x 470ohm resisters that I see no other use for.

2) The Mouser BoM for the CS board also lists 1 x 1kohm resister. What is this needed for?

Any help appreciated please.

Edited by Goseba
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Hi and welcome to MIDIbox, great that you are building again! :)

The BOM may use other LEDs than i used in the old tutorial and therefore it may reference different resistors for these different LEDs, which may explain also the 1k resistor.

But: normally no damage will occur (for normal LEDs and normal resistors > say 100 ohms), only the brightness will vary.
So: you could easily exchange the 220ohm for 470ohm resistors you have on hand, the corresponding LEDs will just not be as bright as the others.

Trick: if you have more 470 ohm resistors, you can "parallel them" to get effective 235 ohm resistors, which is close enough to the 220 ohms that you won't see an optical difference - you can even "piggyback" them later on, by just soldering another 470 on top of an existing one :)

Many greets and have fun building!

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Hi Peter,

Many thanks for the quick reply. I was up the shed soldering the encoders when I saw your reply on my phone. I used the 470's since I don't have 220's, but I have spare 470's so could piggyback as you suggest if needed.

Your thread and the other blog have both been so useful, thank you Peter and Nicholas.

I have been hesitating for a couple of years about giving it a go but decided to take the plunge just before Christmas.

I think I have now finished the soldering aside from the LED's. I will do these when I have the case (shipped today, so should get it early next week). Time to order some standoffs etc for the mounting.

I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far.



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Powered up tonight, midi connected to a synth and it worked first time (once I realised I had to change the mid port from USB to midi). So happy and relieved.

I still have the main encoder and LED's to add but will wait till the case arrives next week.

A big thank you to all those whose guides gave me the courage to take this on. :-)

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Now some LED questions - orientation.

For the 16 red/green leds, which way do the leds go in? From the top, the left holes are L1, L2 etc and the right holes S1, S2 etc. 

For the red beat led, the holes are marked 1 and 2. Which way for this led?

For the remaining green leds the holes are just L1/S1 etc. Same question.

And which of the holes for led 31 are to be used?

Thanks in advance for any help.


update: just need to find the led 31 orientation now.

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You can see the LED orientation in this image on the lower right side. All LED's are like L17 in the image they have their cathode facing right, except L31 which is reversed and faces left. Just place your LED's flat side so they line up with the flat side silkscreened on the PCB.

Untitled picture.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished my build this morning (with the exception of some incorrectly supplied knob caps).

All seems good so far as testing buttons, encoders etc, and this afternoon I will hook it up to some midi gear.

However when I went to save a pattern , I get SD Card Error!!!  E131 FatFa: D 5. Can anyone help with this please?

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