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Searching for clear round button caps


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I really dig the look of These buttons, and These buttons from the gallery.
I have an operational Vanilla seq 4, using the standard parts that everyone else has so far. It's currently living in a laser cut MDF version of the Mongbox until I'm 100% sure about the best way to make my own aluminum enclosure. To make drilling way easier, I'm opting for some clear round button caps. It'll also reduce the amount of drilling, since I won't have to drill LED holes.

I do really like these, and I'm pretty sure they are the right size. (Default caps on the LXR Sonic potions drum machine) However, they don't come in clear. Does anyone have a source for clear button caps that would fit the standard large midibox switch? I've been hunting the past week and haven't found much of anything.



Edited by halfordC
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on both datasheets of your postet switch+caps are 3.3mm rectangle size > should fit.

your link is mouser austria: > fallst vesand sparen willst, könn ma uns ja gemeinsam was nach österreich bestellen um über 50€ zu kommen, ich bräucht da eh noch was von mouser ;), innerhalb österreich ist der versand ja billig (ansonsten ich wohn nähe linz)

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