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MIDI IN help required please.


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Can anyone offer any suggestions please?

I am still learning my Seq v4 (basic version) and am having trouble with MIDI in. I currently am just using MIDI in 1 and out 1. MIDI monitor shows MIDI is being received at the IN port however I have played around with the routing but I cannot get the MIDI to either have any effect on the sequencer steps or flow through to the OUT port. 

I have gone through the settings in MENU -> MIDI with no luck. Do I need to set anything up elsewhere?

Thank you in anticipation.

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At the moment I am just trying to get it to respond to MIDI in. The MIDI monitor shows data coming in ( and I know the MIDI signal is fine from the keyboard).

  1. I would like to be able to record MIDI in to the Seq from the keyboard.
  2. I would like to be able to have the MIDI pass through to play the synth(s) connected.

I feel I am missing a simple setting somewhere. I spent a couple of hours this afternoon playing with the MIDI routing page but without success.

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Okay, so you want to record incoming note data and output that on a particular MIDI port.

First, is your track set up to output on the correct MIDI channel?

To get something working initialise the track; you should get four steps of C3. Make sure that will play on the configured output. You can enter basic notes with the GP buttons and encoders.

To record, use the following:

It takes a bit more effort, but should work.

If things are not working properly, there may be an issue with your soldering or a MIDI feedback loop (the outputting controller is receiving the same data it's sending).


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Thanks for replying again.

I just wrote a great long reply here, going through the steps, taking photos of the screens etc, when, and I don't know why, it is all working great again.

I appreciate your time assisting :-)

Keeping my fingers crossed all is good when I have a couple of hours for music this afternoon.

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