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Midibox sid PSU


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So I just got my 2 pcbs for my midibox sid from modular addict the core8 and the SID module  and now I need to start getting all the parts together .

The part I am wondering about is the PSU, I heard that there are like 3 - 4 options for the PSU one of them is using one from a c64 but I don't have one available as it is in use so that is not an option for me.

I want to be able to use 1 PSU for both the core and SID modules but apparently the 7805 voltage regulator can get hot is there a way to manage this / is this going to be a problem?

I am using an 8580 SID btw so PSU recommendations would be appreciated.

Edited by goofyfirehydrant
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Maybe better for him to start from beginning, to understand common regulator before trying a more complex option. He just has some SID modules and a core8 classic mbhp, not a MB6582 pcb, it's less power too. It will work correct if he follow the basics. After that first thing achieved, he is free to investigate more and dig in your solution to optimize his already working synth.

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Ah, you’re absolutely right, I missed that it was just a single core module and SID module. They mentioned multiple PSU options and my mind immediately went to the option a, option b, option c, etc from the Mb-6582 documentation. 7805 will work fine then, lol. The MB-6582 is a current hog but a single SID is pretty manageable.

The switching regulator isn’t any more complex though—it’s a drop in replacement—but it’s *way* more expensive and not at all necessary for a small SID synth.

Pay me no mind, I’ll back out ;)

Edited by jaytee
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ya one SID module to start might add another one later for stereo 

and ya i am pretty much a newbi 

so to clear it up I have the 7805 on the core and on the sid module I have the 7809 instead of a 78L12 because I am using the 8580 and I can power this through the one dc adapter running 12v DC 500ma sound right ?

Edited by goofyfirehydrant
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