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delay function


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Just one question about delay function and Sender/Receiver. 

If I call delay function in NGR, are the Sender and Receiver working in the background during delay?

It seems that during delay forwarding of midi events from Receiver to Sender are stopped. 

Is there any solution to make delay between 2 functions in NGR without stopping of other running functions in the background? 


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That is a problem. No idea how to programming RTOS.

My general problem is that from NG board I am sending 2 sysex messages to KB board which are changing the status of Break_Is_Make On/Off for keyboard 1 and 2. When I am sending the first message I need to wait few milliseconds because the KB board is sending note_off messages for each tone 0-127 at changing of the status of the Break_Is_Make (I need to ignore or process these messages). If I am putting delay in NGR between 2 sysex messages the NG board will start to process these received messages after delay time and it causes random note on messages.

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