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MIOS Studio upload of SammichSID app fails with Error #11 at 99%


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I'm at a bit of a standstill with the construction of my new sammichSID. I currently have two laptops that have been employed in my attempts to upload the SID application to the core. One is running Win7 64bit Home Premium, the other is Win10 64bit Home Premium. I am using an Edirol UM-880 as my interface. I had to disable driver signing and hack an inf file to get the Um-880 drivers to install on the Win10 machine, but the driver appears to function normally otherwise. All pre-install voltages were good on the synth, the core responds correctly when queried, the interface does not have any loopback paths set (the core answers it's own sysex messages with a sysex stream for Error #11 if loopback is set). From either laptop, when I try to upload the SID app, the core successfully responds to the upload request, seemingly mirrors the file contents it receives on it's output (formatted differently on it's output then it's input so this doesn't appear to be just loopback), MIOS Studio seems to successfully upload 99% of the file and then reports an Error #11 (MIDI in overrun). The core then responds to a query normally and awaits further instructions. No animations appear visible on the LCD with subsequent reboots. Just the top row bars.

I do not have a GM5 interface and have not been able to load the GM5 driver (if I can even do that with out the interface). I've looked through the forum for solutions, but nothing seems to exactly match my situation (that I've been able to find so far). This appears to me to be a timing and buffer size issue with MIOS Studio and the core, but I just don't know how to move forward utilizing the resources I have available.

I've come so far to getting this synth up and running, please someone help me over the edge!



Edited by Road_Kill1019
Minor spelling errors and trying to clarify the problem better.
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Do you get any "READY." message on the LCD (tweak the contrast/brightness) before flashing? This might help. I don't have any ideas on why an upload would go to 99% and then fail though, so perhaps if you had the LCD running you might see the program correctly installed?

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Howdy and thanks for the reply! I have never seen any "Ready" display on the LCD. I just tweeted the brightness and contrast pots (they both exhibit a good range of values) as well as shutting the power on and off, but no message was visible on the LCD. Now to my understanding and from the communication I've already had from the core, it already has MIOS8 on it. None of the documentation I've seen so far says anything about the READY status, but I haven't looked into documents describing the actually loading MIOS onto the PIC. So... No display, but I'm a little confused about the significance of that if I don't currently have the SID app loaded (which is my goal, of course)? Does my core have a bad OS on it despite my being able to successfully query it from MOIS Studio? I have tried typing "help" on the command line, but I've never seen a reply. Again, I don't know if that's significant or just cockpit errors..?

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Thanks, I'll read up on the LCD module page. I started off using the Wilba build doc until I ran into trouble with the app upload. Along the way, I started cherry picking the forums for info and solved some communication issues and driver issues in the process. That's the reason I ended up with both a Win7 and Win10 laptop both trying to upload the SID app. The UM-880 interface is reported whitelisted under Win7 64bit (at least someone got it working in that config!) and of all the interfaces I've got, experience has always made that my go to interface for compliance issues. Not to say it may not be an issue in this case, but it's my bestest weapon of choice for the present. You see, I live in a cabin an hour from the nearest city up a river canyon in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and to top it off, I'm currently under 20" of fresh snow with more on the way. No lie. In fact, this is exactally the sort of day I should be wailing away on my sammichSID! :'-(

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I'm just sceptic because you did need to install a special driver instead of a default. I'm used to have plugnplay with midi interfaces. Mios Studio worked good with my Win 10 but I don't like it and now my Windows machine has 7, and yeah, in case of old audio interfaces it's also the better choice.

Btw, there is a rumor that if you update your win7 to win10 (by a previous installed 7 and the drivers you need) the possibility is given that those drivers still work under 10 but not if you install them in 10, just if you upgrade.

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Some of the threads I've read talk about how the win8 driver for the UM-880 is perfectly functional in Win10, but that Roland didn't want to pony up the $ to get the driver Win10 certified for a discontinued product, hence the need to hack the driver into Win10 via other means. My experience so far is identical and seemingly fully functional between both Win7 and Win10.

I have also tried an iConnect2, but the results weren't even as good as the UM-880. I don't remember if the iConnect2 was on the blacklist or just full of caveats on the whitelist.

Some of the threads I've read on this forum talk about the incompatibility of the data rate and block size between MIOS Studio and MIOS8 spec and how the GM5 driver has solved this... So of course I've tried to load the GM5 driver, but none of my midi interfaces get recognized as an audio interface. Do I need the actual GM5 interface? Some of the threads make this seem like the magic bullet when all else fails for unknown (or known) reasons, but that would be a long wait and effort for me if it's not a sure fire solution to my problem. Of course, if that's my answer, I'm on it.

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I love forums like this. They so allow me to fully demonstrate my stupidity publicly. So I've found that if your actually install MIOS8 on the PIC before trying to install the SID app, things go a hell of a lot smoother. I don't know if that step wasn't explicitly in the build doc or I just overlooked it because I was high on rosin core solder at the time, but from there on out I was seeing the query response from the boot loader and thinking I was talking to the OS. Latigid On gave me the first clue with the Ready indicator not being present and then when I checked the wiki addendum for the LCD modules and saw that Ready meant MIOS was present. I said, "Duh!" and 5 minutes later here I am. Now all I have to do is fix two cold joints on the LED array and install the 6581s I've got and see what happens...

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2 hours ago, Road_Kill1019 said:

I love forums like this. They so allow me to fully demonstrate my stupidity publicly. 

Hell yeah, me too ;)

But next time you read someone, having the same issue, your first question will be…have you uploaded mios? It's better to upload first than to try uploading other stuff, uncessfully...

I can't say if it's written where you have looked, I can't find either a wilba documentation or a sammich. You need to understand that these are one pcb designs which did come later and are based on the modular designs of multiple components and the creators may think, it's logic, you just need to look at the pages which handle the topic. 

I red it on the core page, setting up the core, mios8 and there are readmes. 

Have fun with your Sammich

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