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USB keyboard issue


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I'm trying to use my Arturia Keystep with the Seq, but I'm having trouble linking it over USB. My setup looks like:

Seq - master clock, 3 outputs, Keystep plugged into USB A port, switched to USB (I've tried both USB and OTG and neither wants to power the Keystep... I'm assuming it needs more juice), powered by 5v into USB port via charger (no Mac/PC)

Output #1 - Shruthi on Out 1;

Output #2 - Analog Rytm on Out 2;

Output #3 - Ambika on Out 3;

Keystep - 9v in, USB micro to A port on Seq, channel #10

I'm on the learning curve with the Seq, so I may have this wrong, but I'm using the Midi Router to allocate the Keystep to Out 3 (Ambika), where I'm trying out the Transpose and step recording. When trying this over USB, I've tried Routing USB1 (and 2, 3, and 4... not sure how these ports are allocated?) adn I don't get anything from the keyboard at all. I once got some reaction (ie. notes playing on Ambika, but only until I switched from USB to OTG and it went off again and I couldn't replicate). A couple of times, when messing with the USB connection, the Seq has frozen (no controls) and has continued playback on external synths but at what sounds like 1/4 speed.

If I plug the Keystep into In 1 on 5 pin Midi, I can change Midi Router to In 1 > Out 3 and it works as expected.

Sync conflict? Something shorted in the USB build?

The Keystep does use timebase for Arp/internal sequencer, but that is set to slave and it made no odds if it was set to Arp or (unused) Seq mode, in any case.

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It's set to slave/receive clock... I'll try it on USB sync to see if there's some oddity in the matrix but it's no biggie if it's a glitch.

I've just noticed on the 3rd (or 4th - it's a steep curve!) pass of the documentation that I can route the midi keyboard to active track as an option... nice! I know the Cirklon has built its own mythical status partly through long waiting lists and £3000 resale values on eBay - as well as it being great hardware, no doubt - but I find it hard to believe it can offer more than this beaut :)

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