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i have a small 25keys keyboard here (alesis proton x25), i managed to get the keys velocity sensitive to working, the connector is 1:1 to the DIO-Matrix ---lucky me!


but i run into the problem that the code uses:


which disables my normal Shiftregisters for Encoder I cant use the J10 or J5 for it, because they have to less pins, and they are already used for other stuff anyway...


How can i use the Shiftregistors?  ... i have 4 DIN and 4 DOUT Registor in addition to the MB-DIO-Matrix


I read that in for example the MB-KB code:

// This hook is called after the shift register chain has been scanned
void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish(void)
  // -> keyboard handler

  // standard SRIO scan has been disabled in programming_models/traditional/main.c via MIOS32_DONT_SERVICE_SRIO_SCAN in mios32_config.h
  // start the scan here - and retrigger it whenever it's finished

i dont know what that mean? should it still working then?


 i found out, that i still can activate LEDs, and i get the DIN-States, however i dont get any ENC Values


The Hardware itself is functional since i debugged it with tutorials/015_enc_absolute


i am pretty sure that something in here, break the enc routine:

void APP_SRIO_ServicePrepare(void){

	  // select next column, wrap at 16
  if( ++selected_row >= MATRIX_NUM_ROWS ) {
    selected_row = 0;

    // increment timestamp for velocity delay measurements

  // selection pattern (active selection is 0, all other outputs 1)
  u16 selection_mask = ~(1 << (u16)selected_row);

  // transfer to DOUTs
  MIOS32_DOUT_SRSet(MATRIX_DOUT_SR1-1, (selection_mask >> 0) & 0xff);
  MIOS32_DOUT_SRSet(MATRIX_DOUT_SR2-1, (selection_mask >> 8) & 0xff);


void APP_SRIO_ServiceFinish(void) {
  // check DINs
  // the DIN scan was done with previous row selection, not the current one:
  int prev_row = selected_row ? (selected_row - 1) : (MATRIX_NUM_ROWS - 1);

  u8 sr = MATRIX_DIN_SR;
  MIOS32_DIN_SRChangedGetAndClear(sr-1, 0xff); // ensure that change won't be propagated to normal DIN handler
  u8 sr_value = MIOS32_DIN_SRGet(sr-1);

  // determine pin changes
  u8 changed = sr_value ^ din_value[prev_row];

  if( changed ) {
    // add them to existing notifications
    din_value_changed[prev_row] |= changed;

    // store new value
    din_value[prev_row] = sr_value;

    // store timestamp for changed pin on 1->0 transition
    u8 sr_pin;
    u8 mask = 0x01;
    for(sr_pin=0; sr_pin<8; ++sr_pin, mask <<= 1) {
      if( (changed & mask) && !(sr_value & mask) ) {
	din_activated_timestamp[prev_row*8 + sr_pin] = timestamp;


  // standard SRIO scan has been disabled in programming_models/traditional/main.c via MIOS32_DONT_SERVICE_SRIO_SCAN in mios32_config.h
  // start the scan here - and retrigger it whenever it's finished


Edited by Phatline
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or could J19 (SPI2) reused, for a second "J8/J9" like SR "Chain"? (has this already some one done, which app?)

J16 cant be used because of:


J16 is normaly connected to a SD Card



J19 doesn't support DMA transfers, so that MIOS32_SPI_TransferBlock() will consume CPU time (but the callback handling does work).

so maybe not...



MIOS32_spi.c says:

//! J19 provides SPI + two RCLK lines at 5V.
//! It's some kind of general purpose SPI, and used to communicate with
//! various MBHP modules, such as MBHP_AOUT* and MBHP_AINSER*




....By the way this is the Keyboard Layout...:



and thats the midibox stuff... its getting pretty full in there ;)



Edited by Phatline
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