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A long time ago I baught some Livid instrument  "Elements" units to creat a midi controller.
(4 untis of 16 button + 2 untis of 16 knobs + 2 units of 4 faders /see pictures/)

I check the download section of the livid site to get the software (Brain V2 / Jr. Configure v1.07) but "Error 404" .......
Impossible to download the software, so impossible to configure the controller, so impossible to play with...

So how can I do?
Is there another board I can use to connect all the units?
Is there a software I can use instade the livid program?
Other ideas?

Thank you!




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17 hours ago, Antichambre said:

Where are you from?... Maybe using a VPN is a durable solution for you ;)
Best regards


Yes I just try with a VPN, connected whith different contry but still the same result.

Is it just me or you have the same result?



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5 hours ago, Antichambre said:

I can access some and others are err.404

Best is to open a thread in their forum or contact them directly.


hi Antichambre and thank you to answer me :),

I check the livid forum but they don't answer to people since november 19, and we can't buy there product because the "buy it" page can't be reach. The last instagram livid post was in April 2016, same for Facebook, tweeter......

I think Livid is simply close, like forever.


That why I think there is an other way to bring this midi controller back to life.

Every units, pads, knobs etc are "just" midi harware, so maybe there is a way to connect them to a new board or to hack the livid board and connect it with an other software.

I realy dont know the midi word so maybe it's just impossible to do something but I'm pereverant.


We bring human to space, I sur we can resuscitate a midi controller ;) ;) ;)



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Just an idea, even if the team doesn't reply, maybe a user can reply you using forum messenger, send your message to some builder box users, maybe they have the softwares in their computer.
Also try facebook, tweeter maybe...

About hacking it, can you find the diagram?

Edited by Antichambre
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