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New controllers from behringer


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*Impressing price*!

From Behringer: " The BCF2000 is an innovative, hands-on control surface with ultra-precise 100-mm motorized faders for the ultimate control of virtual mixers..."

Motorized pots, encoders and (nearly) all LC stuff!  How the heck did they get *that* price??? You even hardly could get that price by DIYing!

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Actually not that impressive ;)

Its cheap because :-

1. made in China

2. Motorfaders with no mention of Touch Sensitivity

3. Limited Visual display feedback (4*7 segment LEDs)

4. No track labels, so it gets messy when bank switching large mixers, no timecode display and dedicated transport controls.

5. Behringher Quality Control, so its 50/50; you may get a good unit or  defective one on purchase or one that breaks down after a month of usage (from experience).

In the end its always  "you get what you paid for"

midibox and MIOS still rules



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5. Behringher Quality Control, so its 50/50; you may get a good unit or  defective one on purchase or one that breaks down after a month of usage (from experience).

midibox and MIOS still rules

I have to say that I have only made good experiences with Behringer up to now (I have a mixer from Behringer and my Boxes are from those guys, too - they really do rock!). Really.

And what you also have to think about: For the same (or a little more even) money you get that from other guys: Doepfer Drehbank (64 Pots - 2x7seg display)  333 Euros @ Thomann. So it is a really good price, I think.

And: YEPP! MBHP still does RUUUULE!! (Especially if you look at the features of our stuff and compare it to commercial stuff: MB64 - Doepfer Drehbank, MBSeq - Doepfer StepSeq, not to forget: All those SID (all mono ones!) stuff out there).  ;D

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I have a Behringer MX3242 analogue mixer, which has amazing price and performance.

but I have to agree with Frank on the QC.

When it was brand new, I had to wiggle a pot back and forwards for about an hour, until it started to work! and then repair a broken PCB track! and then clean off flux residue, which seemed to be causing interference on the headphone jack! (that stuff attracts moisture)

But happy now!

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can't we have more than 11 led for the led ring?

sure we can, u can make mios control a 128leds ring if u want (mios max Dout number = 128 )

or 8 ledrings of 16leds or...

& what's more, u can make Led-squares or Led-triangles too ;)


& if you are really smart, you can use alot more leds too

<----- see ?



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behringer.. Ah, Behringer!!

I first came across behringer, when they offered Mackie 8bus mixer clone for lower price.. (Well, MX8000 wasn't exactly a clone, but with VERY similar specs: Aimed directly for those considering buying mackie 8bus)

AND Now they are doin' same for the DIY project ;D

Nah, just kidding.. I don't have anything against them, they have very attractive pricing and stuff..

But somehow I think that "ready made" always lacks some features, or has this "I would have done that differently" factor.. and If there is room for improvement.. well, It's the manufacturer that provides it, IF provides.

SO, stay away from those, when you have DIY alternatives :)

I have spoken, Moebius

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  • 1 month later...

the audio interface has amazing specs for the price. Even Dolby digital in/out! (I wonder if you could catch the bitstream somehow, and make an .ac3 file out of it?)



also a job ad for those that thought behringer didn't have an R&D department...

Hardware Engineer (f/m)


- Conduct feasibility studies and the executive realization of hardware for various products in the analog and/or digital domain, including selection of qualified components

- Schematics creation, circuit simulation and later PCB layout evaluation incl. basic debugging

- Component selection

- Creation of schematic diagrams

- Circuit simulation and evaluation

- Prototype evaluation and debugging


- 3 years experience in electronic hardware design

- Degree in electronic engineering

- Professional experience with circuit simulation software and PCB layout software

- Knowledge of hardware design methods

- Knowledge of PCB layout systems

- Good general component knowledge

- Basic EMC compliant design knowledge and related certification support

- Basic written & spoken English

- Team-oriented

apply directly online... <bewerbung.cfm?id=145&cid=1&lang=ENG>

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The first tests came out here in Germany (in the "Keys"-magazine this month).

Although they only had some prototypes of those controllers they said about the following:

The controllers (faders&Encs) are really good & very smooth. The learning functions and so on are also very good. Standard software like Reason (Rewire) Cubase and others are working with those babies without any problems.

The only thing still unsure is what Presets will be deliviered with these things (32 presets are programable). But hopefully Standard software like the ones above will be supported until the final release.

*only the motorfader and the Enc version have been testes - not the Audio interface!*

So up to now these things still do look like a pretty good deal. 8 motorfader + Encs + buttons for 300 bucks (euros) - that´s good! Really thinking about this...

If the final tests come, I´ll write again.


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