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MIDIbox of the week (Mini MIDIbox SID of Trapstate)


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Thnx guys!! And I like yours better Pay_C, wanna trade?? ;)  To answer your questions:

I did not make this frontpanel! In fact the front panel looked like this when I bought this housing at a dump shop (for only 2 euros ;D). It used to be a satellite demodulater,  I just replaced two BNC connectors for 6,3 mm Jacks and voila: it had SID vicious written al over it!!

However, I have made some similar panels in the past. Basically it's the same procedure as for making printed circuit boards: you take your blank (aluminium) panel and paint it partly (or completely) with photo laquer. Than you print out your design on overhead sheet or chalk paper and devellop the photo sensitive laquer with UV light. What was black on your print remains. When finished you should protect the panel with blank laquer or folie..

What looks like my MIDI-out on this picture is actually my MIDI-in  :) The red LED is DC (power) and the two blue ones are MIDI in and out. I don't have pictures of the inside yet, only one more from a higher angle. To save space on this server I'll put them on my site with some of my other uC projects soon.  


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*BIG* Thnx for the compliment! (btw... ... nope, no trade   )

Damn, well at least I tried :)

Will try that laquer technique with MBSeq (won´t the photo laquer more be like violette than black?)! Thnx!

Not really AFAIK, but I'll ask somebody who's done this alot. I'm also looking for other techniques to make really detailed and high quality prints for cases. The "SID vicious" print on top is actually a sticker cut out by a cut-plotter, combing several plotted stickers could also be interesting with this etching.  

Now that AVU RX starts to make sense...

AVU stands for Africal Virtual University, apparently this little box was meant for video conferencing in a project to stimulate education in africa. I guess it never got to it, instead it became a SId synth :D

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