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Reason Hardware

Guest infernal

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Guest infernal

Been working with reason for a year or so now... and was thinking how great it would be to have copies of the hardware sitting on your desk in the form of midi controllers...

seing as nobody makes it... i figured i might be able to do it myself... this is what im looking for.


Being able to use this bad boy remotely would make life alot easier for many people. The hands on approach to producing definatly sparks my interest, but there's no way in hell i could ever afford to go outboard.

Reason is one way comm with the midi... So motor faders are not even an option. Saves me money :)


Again same thing. Pretty much the same layout as the malstrom.


Oh baby come to papa. I could live with a few of these kicking around.


I'd LOVE to have 3 malstrom's, 3 subtractor's and 2 of the mixers... but the question of usefullness comes into play. Is this going to be worth my time and effort? How much would a project like this cost me for each peice?

The fact that propellerheads made reason only take inbound midi really chapps my ass. This seems like a simple feature that could have been coded into the software quite easily.

Also (excuse my ignorance) what happens in the instance your working on one song (blue) and you want to work on another one (red). You have all your midi controllers set to blue's settings, but now you've opend up red... What happens here?

Thanks for the help in advance!  ;D

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Reason has more midi limitations than just the fact that it is one way.

There is no point in building 3 malstroms because you just can't use them simultaneously. You can only record the automation on one track at a time!

Now, for the blue-red thing, you just save a patch for each song and recall it to recover all your settings. your pots will not be on the correct position but this is where the 'pot mode' comes in with snap and parallax modes.

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For the cost point:

W i d e l y depends on your method:

E.g. MB64:

- 64 Pots + Knobs: .50-5 Euro per piece makes app. 30-300 Euro

- LCD, PCBs and parts mainly the same: app 50 Euro (little more perhaps)

- 64 buttons: .15 up to about 2.00 Euros makes app. 10 - 120 Euros (thats some range, is it !?)

- 64 LEDs: standard: about 8 Euros, blue: about 60 Euros

- Frontplate: selfmade 0.-, ordered app. 50-100 Euro

- Casing: About 1 Euro up to 50 Euro

- Stuff always needed (cables, conns, etc): about 10 Euros

Hope I didn´t forget some stuff... but anyhow: See what I mean? You can start @ 100 Euros for a *full futured* MB and go up to 600 Euros and even more ( "But Mom, those Diamond knobs for the ALPS Potis are looking so dammit cewl" ).

Some people even managed it to go down to about 50 Euros (making the PCBs by yourself, getting much stuff on ebay, getting parts out of old stuff and so on).

*WIDE* range  ;D   and I like it!


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hi infernal!


             I'm currently building a box of my own for reason,  I think the box will be very usefull only in live performances.. you dont use all the knobs and buttons all the time do you? coz i dnt so im planning to control on the  most commonly used ones (filter cutoff, reso, etc...) plus the mixer probably and some of the aux functions too. For this i think im gonna need at least the MB64 or maybe two of those coz i need a lot of buttons for pattern selection, Also I plan to build the MB64 SEQ sequencer...

             I think what you should do is  pick which knobs or buttons u need and build a box according to it:)



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  • 1 year later...

I've been kicking aound an idea for a small reason box that has basic mixer functions (fader/mute/solo) and transport (rec/recmode/play/stop/left loop marker/right loop marker/loop/click/fwd/rev/next track to record on/previous track to record on/tempo)  I figured that trying to make modules for each synth would be a huge undertaking unless I go with encoders.  I'll post some pics as soon as I mock it up in photoshop.

My buddy is screaming to have  a controller for Ableton's Live.  That may be my next project.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 years later...

anyone got the circuit and pcb for this .....i am looking 4 this type of a keyboard....

look stacky this is really really getting silly and moreso annoying, if you want to build a controller that will enable you to control various items in reason or any other software, then goto ucapps.de site and do some serious reading of what each module does, after that read up on each item thats been built with the modules ie: mb64 mb64e sid, the lccontrol

first you need to read up on everythig you need to understand the modules and then attempt buy the kits you need and then make some sort of effort to actually learn and build them, and then the guys here are able to help you further if problems arise.

but just saying " i need a circuit diagram 4 this" all the time on everything is seriously starting to annoy the moderators now.

if you feel that you are unable to build this or are competent enough to understand the principle of learning about the modules and how they work after thorsten has put so much time into making it as easy as it is, then may i suggest you get something like this instead which you can assign all sorts of things to and have a nice day.


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