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Possible mods for Seq4/4+ accessibility?


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I'm a blind software developer and accessibility consultant and I've wanted a truly accessible sequencer for a very long time. 

I'm wanting some advice as to the feasibility of modifying the Seq 4/MIDIFi Seq 4+ design to send the display text to a speech synthesizer like the Parallax Emic2. This is a serial device requiring data to be sent at 9600bps. The challenges would be how to tap the display data and provide the additional electronics to transmit it at the required data rate (would the extra alectronics and the speech board actually fit in the case?). Speification of the Emic 2 at: 


I don't have the electronics skills to determine if this could be done, but it would be elegant as only one additional hole in the casing would be required for the audio output.

Another approach I could follow would be to take out a maxed out Seq 4 and dedicate one pair of MIDI input/output ports to transmitting display/LED data to an external PC/Mac application with the text encoded in system exclusive messages. The application would also send sysex request messages for things like: "screen contents", "current parameter name" and "current parameter value". I've written such applications before (my SurfaceReader application makes control surfaces like the Mackie Control Universal talk, see: http://www.raisedbar.co.uk/surfacereader/surfacereader.htm). This would require firmware modifications (as would the electronic-based mod), but I'm a c++ coder so this shouldn't be too much of a push for me. 

I suppose the downside of either approach would then be having to diff and modify my custom firmware to keep track of the official release unless I could bring my code up to the point where it could be incorporated into the official offering as an optional feature, which would be wonderful. I'd appreciate any thoughts, suggestions and advice as to how I could take this idea forward (or forget it completely).

Many thanks in advance.

Tim Burgess

Hi, I'm a blind developer and accessibility consultant and I've wanted a truly accessible sequencer for a very long time. I'm wanting some advice as to the feasibility of modifying the Seq 4/4+ design to send the display text to a speech synthesizer like the Parallax Emic2, which is a serial device requring data to be sent at 9600bps using 2 pins of a 6-pin header. 2 more pins are used for gound and +5V and I believe the other 2 pins aren't used at all. I don't have the electronics skills to determine if this could be done. Another approach I could follow would be to take out a maxed out Seq 4 and dedicate one of the MIDI output ports to transmitting display/LED data to an external PC/Mac application with the text encoded in system exclusive messages - this would require firmware modifications (as would the electronic-based mod), but I'm a c++ coder so this shouldn't be too much of a push for me. I suppose the down-side of either approach would then be having to diff and modify my custom firmware to keep track of the official release unless I could bring my code tup tot he point where it could be incorporated into the official offering as an optional feature. I'd appreciate any thoughts, suggestions and advice as to how I could take this idea forward (or forget it completely).


Many thanks in advance.


Tim Burgess


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Hi Tim,

It's an interesting idea for sure! IMO the midiphy front panel would better suit your needs as you have more direct feeling for what is going on (16 direct tracks, haptic memory of the 8 buttons for selection row changes). Not so useful are all of the LED indicators...

As for potential mods, there is certainly scope to do this. For something totally non-invasive, you could consider using the DB-25 expansion port and rewriting an SPI driver in place of the analogue out module?

Not sure how feasible it is, but you could also use the USB host if you can write a driver for a USB connected device? I was actually thinking of something like a braille display that mirrors/converts the text on the screens somehow?

You might also be able to either replace the I2C MIDI module with something or use the spare I2C bus.


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you could create a simple program, also with a PIC core board with the help of a bare skeleton available here on ucapps. the k2 speakjet project is a good example for a serial communication (max232), but for your needs IIC would be more comfortable (as long as it is supported by your speakboard). you may get faster results with an Arduino board too.

With all this knowledge you can surely also hack the SEQ for your needs, but that takes quite a lot of time to understand everything that is already there.

you could still allow a control via midi on your own board too.


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