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Midibox LC & Cubase 16channel


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Hello everybody,

I'm planing/building a midibox lc like a mackie Universal control with cubase.

The pcbs are all ready and now I'm on the "layout"

(2xCore, 8xDINx4, 8xDOUTx4, 2xMF, etc...)

But 8 Faders are not enough,  so I planned it with 16 Faders. Now I have several questions:

- Shall I build 2 identical 8 Fader Boxes or can I "combine" both boxes (like the"Midibox of the Year").

If so, shall I use (for example) 16 Buttons for the Fader control section  instead of 8 and can the software manage this ?

On the other hand: Is it possible to drive 2 MCU clones (on different midi ports of course) on Cubase ?

Any suggestions are very welcome  ??? ::)

Thank you


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I don't know about the new Mackie control units... but with the original mackie/Logic control, with logic, the units have to be kept as separate units, even though you could put them both inside one enclosure, like Axel's setup.

Anyone know more about the new Mackie protocols and/or cubase SX setups? (I presume you mean cubase SX, it won't work on Cubase 5.1, only as a generic controller)

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Thank you,

I mean Cubase SL (for the moment...SX perhaps later).

I think, if noone knew it better, I build both units in one case. Then I can test it and if it's working I can change the frontpanel again (hard work ... but if theres no other way).


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Why would you need to re-build the front panel? Have a look at Axel's midibox. He has two LC's under one panel, one of them just has the extra features removed, that already appear on the master unit.

I hope I understood what you meant.

Anyway, how do you find cubase SL?

Any good for mixing audio?

I considered SL, but went for the Logic Big Box instead. (version 5, since I was going to use it on a PC... Will have to crossgrade in the future, if I out-grow it though ...)

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Hello Steven_c,

i have looked at Axels Box. But he is using it for logic, I think.

My problem is, I don't know exactly wich functions I can leave out (without missing them later ...) on the second one.  8)

On the cubase layout you have 8 Buttons for Fader groups (which are controlling 8 Faders each, if I understood the manual right). What is happening now, if I build 2x8 Fader Groups. Am I able to control 16 groups with each 16 Faders or not  ??? -or shall I leave it to 8 Fader groups. But can these fader groups then control 16 fader ?

You see - a lot of questions by now.

Thats why I thougt, I first build a release with a lot of more knobs & leds I'll need. Then I can make a new layout after finding out what is possible or not.

Don't know if I'm right.


I bought Cubase SL but I haven't installed it yet. I want to get my box ready first. I know this isn't a quite good way. But somewhere I have to start...

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Hi there ...

hope I can clear some issues.

Today Cubase only supports one Mackie-Contoller an NO Extension.

-> you can connect more than one unit on different MIDI-Ports but they all do handle the same 8 fader

In Feburary Steinberg wants to release a new update of their Cubase SX2 wich will support an Extension-Unit.

-> then you can connect one Main-Unit with 8 Fader and one (or more I don't know) Extension-Unit with 8 Fader - makes together 16 (or more)


If you are using Cubase SX2 take care of the lack of generic support (only "Volumen" and "Pan" are avaiable).

With the next major Upgrade Steinberg wants to intruduce a knew SDK for controlling Cubase/Nuendo with individual remote-controllers.

This solves also the generic-remote-problem

(to find anywhere in their forum)

Hope this helps

Bye  Pearl

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Thank you very much Pearl,

this explanation was very helpful.

In fact I already have the hardware, I build the whole box with 16 Faders. Hoping that someday Cubase is supporting the 8 extension Faders.

Until that greatful day I have 2 Boxes in One !?. - don't mind me much. ;D

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