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Ceramic caps and audio paths.


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Ok, sop iv'e been reading a lot of pro audio and diy forums lately, and i have seen a couple of times people who hate ceramic caps in an audio path. If anyone out there could explain why this is, and what i should use instead for better sound ( polystyrene, tanatalum??) I would appreciate it. If it really is a difference , I will get some better caps for my sid before i solder the rest of the boards up.  

Thanks in advance!

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You're right,

ceramic caps should't never be in a audio circuit. I wrote this some weeks ago in another post.

I think I'm not able to explain the differences well in english. Just so much: It has to do with worse frequency stability and temperature drift of the ceramic caps. If you need a frequency stable circuit (like audio) don't use ceramic ...

Better in Audio circuits are polyester caps or styroflex caps. In Germany the polyester caps are MKT or MKS or FKP type.


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I already used Styroflex & Ceramic ones in the 4xSID. Styroflex are MUCH (!!) better! I really recommend them.

Also a point why ceramic caps are shitty: The tolerance! 20% also makes a 20% tolerance on the middle frequency of filters and so on.

Styroflex!  ;)

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Right, I knew about the tolerances, so i got ones rated at 5% for the filter caps... but I think I will get the styroflex caps now!

Thanks everybody!

oh, but which caps to replace? the 2 for the filter obviously,What about the 1nf's on the audio in and out?

they seem to be tied to the ground, will they affect the audio?the 470pf on the audio out also looks like a prime suspect. The electrolytics are fine right? or pretty much any ceramic that is not on the power supply part of the schematic?

thanks again!

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Only the two filter caps need the styroflex caps. The other caps in the audio tree (1nF , 470pF) should be polyester. (FKP). In fact these 3 caps aren't so complicable. I'm pretty sure you'll hear the difference only in high end applikations. But if you use good caps in the whole audio part you automatically reduce noise problems also.

I'm also pretty sure that the styroflex caps have a different name in the US. I'll try to find out for you.


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