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project:motorised fader system for an analog mixer

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Guest jeremie

hi all

i just saw your site http://www.ucapps.de/, and this give me the idea to create

a motorised automation for my analog console (a tac matchless). A system like this his VERY VERY expensive to buy.

My console would have 24 motorised fader.

I think everything is done on your site to complete a project like this, my idea was to use the automation of a sequencer like cubase to control by midi the motorised fader on my console.

What do you think of this project, if it's possible to do it and not to


I am also evaluating the costs, so do you know the price of a motorised fader? (the motorised fader has to have a audio signal passing through it with a good quality)

I think a alps K motorised fader would be the good choice.



mouser has motorfaders for about 50 us. not sure if they are suitable for your application. they are alps.

definitely a good project, the idea has been presented here before, but if any one has done it, they didn't tell us...

Guest jeremie

in fact the only thing that holds me to make this project is to find a good motorised fader which is not expensive (max 40$).

I just saw the mouser site, they don't have the right motorised fader, the one i am searching must have two track (the servo track and the audio track), the fader that you use in your midibox only have a servo track because you don't need to pass a audio signal through it.

Tell me if you know place where they sell motorised faders



I contacted the US rep for Song Huei and found out the MVA02-1101 series motor faders cost 46.50 USD each FOB Taiwan. The catch is the minumum quantity is 1000 units!! :(


other brands of MF's that I know of are 'outboard electronics' (though not technically a mf, as it uses a solenoid-like coil to move the fader instead of a motor) and dambrin. (I think it is spelt dambrin, but not sure.)

one thing to watch out for is noise from motors getting into your audio tracks.


Guest jeremie

the problem of the vca is that it impact the quality of the sound, the best is to not have any vca in your signal path

Guest jeremie

yes i know, but my prob is to find a fader that fits in my console, i found only 3 (the length of the fader must be < 137mm):

MF-660 at www.aacix.com

PGFM3000 at penny & giles

MCU820 at www.tkd-corp.com

I think the price of the penny & giles is to much for me, so i hope that the MF-660 is in my price range but i don't know where i can buy it....

Guest JimCook

It would take some code banging and little hardware, but why not use MIOS to control serial audio mixing chips?  That way the signal wouldn't run through the slide pot at all!  The $7 Panasonic at All Electronics could be used.   For example http://www.analog.com/UploadedFiles/Data_Sheets/309523086317523187ssm2163.pdf describes an eight input, two ouput mixer chip needing only three or four "wires" to control the chip.  Or, look at this chip http://icpart.com/sheetfiles/T/ST%20MTDA7465.pdf Just do a google on: digital audio mixer chips

TK has developed the skeleton of something more that simply a MIDI controller.  After all, the basics of MIOS are to examine the various states of operator controls and create hex serial messages.  If someone can write the code and create the hardware to output I2C or similar serial commands, then expanding MIOS to a wide range of audio controls would be relatively easy.

Guest jeremie

the prob is also that i need a good quality motor fader, because it's for a professionnal mixer, so a cheap panasonic fader would not be a good choice.


yes! I saw this article and tey said that the pga2311 sound really good.

I use the pga4311 and they seems to be good (but I didn't make a lot of test until now), it's quite easy to use it with mios.

Maybe a cheaper solution. But it has "only" 95db, I mean the you can change the gain betwee +31.5 and -60db or something like that (and mute of course).

Guest psytron

hey pilo can you give me some info on how you are using the pga4311. i am vey interested in this.

things i would like to know are.

does this control line level audio? (i think so)

what hardware (circut) do you interface it to the core?

i hope you would be keen to put this on the midibox org server.


oh sure I can give the eagle file for the pcb, and the code to se inot MIOS.

Actually those pga (I use the 4311, 4 channels, but you can chain them to control more channels ;)) are very easy to use! only a SPI (4 wire) interface with the core module.

And yes you can line level ;)

here's the link



Guest psytron

those two file links you gave me

i understand the .brd is for eagle but it came up with "illeagle data"(hope i dont get arrested hehe) perhaps i need a new version of eagle. what prog uses the other file format??

thanks dude

edit - I now have the most recent version of eagle 4.11

but still the same problem.

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