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MIDI Converter box - has anyone created one?


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Hi all, new to the forum.

Only came across it as I was hunting the net for a midi solution to a problem I have. And I hope the following is ok to post. If not my apologies.

The issue is I have an instrument that only receives CC data, specifically sustain (64) and Expression (11) as SYSEX data. Now there are two footswitch controllers that will send sysx (Roland FC300, and Behringer FCB10) but they are huge and very heavy. I am looking for something about the size of a expression/volume pedal.

So I wanted to ask if anyone here has created a MIDI box (preferably battery powered) that could convert a MIDI CC message being received into the required SYSEX string?

I will be using the Boss EV-1-WL with a sustain pedal connected to it and it does have a MIDI out jack, but it is of the mini jack (TS) typ so I am not sure if it supplies the standard MIDI power, hence the possibility a conversion box with power may be needed - I daresay the standard 5v phone charger connection would do.

I have moderate electronic tech skills, so I'd be reasonably confidant in building a device (with the correct schematics and parts list of course haha) but I am terrible at programming. I figured there'd be a bit of programming to do??

Alternatively I would be wilingl to pay someone fro their time to make one for me.


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  • joden changed the title to MIDI Converter box - has anyone created one?



allows to process SysEx streams - it's even possible to print LCD messages from SysEx dumps, or to map the SysEx dump of a MIDI device to multiple control elements to implement a "Synthesizer Programmer" (!)

taken from;



so should be possible with little knowledge of programming (midibox NG = scritping)

but i am the wrong person to ask for midibox NG How to.... i am more for for a custom thing - if Ng cant handle it (but i am pretty sure Midibox NG can do your sysex thing)



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You could checkout the devices Deft Audio builds and sells: Teensy 3.2 MIDI Breakout board, 3in / 3out, USB from Deftaudio on Tindie. Pretty cheap and fully programmable (teensy) Nice thing is that he has example firmwares available. I used the 8 in 8 outbox from Deft audio and programmed it myself with the use of his example sketches.

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