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Mackie & eagic say yes to DIY


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Yeah, i got the pdf they put up...

Does list a lot of info - chap 13 shows the midi implementation in full...

But this is just for the LC and how it communicates to logic (and now other seqs), so i dunno if it'll be of use for mbhp stuff - but what do i know!

This bit caught my eye - under common control msgs (chap13), it shows what the jog dial sends out to control the SPL:


Could this be applied to a rotary encoder in a the new firmware perhaps...? ;)

Sho be nice...!!



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Shit, I planned it as surprise ;-)

Since yesterday Logic regognizes the MIDIbox MF and MIDIbox 16E as Logic Control Unit - Motorfaders, encoders and buttons are working well, the display also works but as I don't own a 2*55 LCD, I cannot see the whole screen... :-/ However, the experimental support for LC will be released soon.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thorsten, how do you keep on doin this...??!!

Everytime I think i've got me perfect box sussed u pull another surprise...!! :)

How did u hook it up...? Is this a new pre-NG firmware update just for the MF and 16E? The aim for me was to do a box based on the mega-midibox, but also have sum encoders in there - cos of this i thought it may be best to wait for the NG to land and this supports all this without using multiple core's....

Back to the drawing board again... ;)... can't wait for this one to develop sum more...!!


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No, the LC emulation doesn't require a PIC18F, it is just an option of the common MBMF and MB16E firmware which enables a new handler for the Mackie password sequence; when Logic is started, it requests for the password, gets an answer and voila: a special window pops up which shows a new LC device. The motorfaders have to send PitchBender events, the encoders CC in a special Mackie format, the buttons just note events, the LCD prints messages which are sent by Logic, however - the performance is already great with just two PIC controllers :)

So, for a LC-like surface, two cores are required, one for the motorfader, another for the encoders. Each core module support s 64 buttons and 64 LEDs, so the whole system can feature 8 motorfaders, 16 encoders, 16 led-rings, 128 buttons, 128 LEDs...

Currently I'm trying to work out an evaluation enviromment for myself (based on the existing MIDIboxes) in order to determine if everything works correctly and to setup the configuration scripts; later I will build a special case for all the stuff just for my private pleasure ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Sorry Thorsten I didnt mean to ruin your surprise:(

Anyways I feel more than happy to hear that you already worked out the emulation. I hope that you release the schematics and the firmware soon.

I think this will be  the best christmas gift from you for all the people in the forum.

Mind that cubase sx works with logic control (called mackie HUI but in fact is LC)

Best regards


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Nice, nice...;)

So with this 3-cored mega midi box i'm plannin i could also whip in a forth core with the 16E firmware, chain the midi output, add another display (a 2x55 is they're out there ;) ) and bingo...

I'd only have 9 encoders total, 8 for messin, and 1 big transport dial... it'd also be nice to have a 'flip' type feature where u could quickly assign the cc param of any current pot to this main encoder dial (or fader or whatever u want)...

Give that man a medal...!


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