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New at the portal


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Thanks SmashTV!!! :-)

I've transfered some docs from ucapps.de to the Wiki which should be maintained by the community in the future.

The official link is: http://wiki.midibox.org

I would suggest that somebody also transfers most of the informations from the MIDIbox portal to the Wiki, so that it's easier to edit them. This pops up the question in which form we should continue with the portal, because it becomes redundant sooner or later and only makes it difficult to fetch the infos which are really interesting.

Gallery: how should we proceed? Is there somebody who would like to help to transfer the official gallery to the new one?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Gallery: how should we proceed? Is there somebody who would like to help to transfer the official gallery to the new one?

All of the pics from the old portal gallery are there already, and in the next few days I'll be pulling all other known MB photos onto it.

I would suggest that somebody also transfers most of the informations from the MIDIbox portal to the Wiki, so that it's easier to edit them. This pops up the question in which form we should continue with the portal, because it becomes redundant sooner or later and only makes it difficult to fetch the infos which are really interesting.

Yes!  As more of the content moves from static to wiki, menu selections will go away.  I forsee a portal with only a links engine, photo gallery, guestmap, etc. with all info pages in the wiki.  

That brings us to security.  The way the wiki sits now all of the work could be wiped away in minutes by anyone, and there is not much we could do about it.  None of the wikis I tried out have any security worth noting.  I realize that backups are made and content can be replaced, but the whole thing could be avoided if I can setup a wiki to share the login database of the portal (like the photo gallery does).  So far nothing like that exists.  :(

Lets see what we can make of it, and the best plan will present itself.   :)



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