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Combined 64 & 16E diagram check


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this is my plan (after mucho headscratching) :


Will this work? The idea is to have the 16E on one core with the latest f/w thats emu's the LC, then a second core with the MB64 f/w. The 64 pots on this core will be assigned to a CC and left just to that (hence no LCD required)...

I was thinking of also adding the Midimon option too (as in the MegaMIDIbox pdf), but if i do can i still run it all from a single wall plug power supply...?

I'm gettin there...;)



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this is my plan (after mucho headscratching) :


Will this work? The idea is to have the 16E on one core with the latest f/w thats emu's the LC, then a second core with the MB64 f/w. The 64 pots on this core will be assigned to a CC and left just to that (hence no LCD required)...

I was thinking of also adding the Midimon option too (as in the MegaMIDIbox pdf), but if i do can i still run it all from a single wall plug power supply...?

I'm gettin there...;)



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Hi Dan,

it's almost perfect, but I would use the BankStick for the MB64 core, since the LC emulation works with one internal bank only - Logic (or the Mackie HUI unter Cubase SX) has it's own bank handling - tracks and functions can be directly selected with the mouse or with the LC buttons and assigned to the faders, V-pots and buttons. Fast & easy! :)

I think that you don't need a display for the MIDImon, only the 8 LED digits of the MTC display. I've planned to release a new MIDImon version which interprets the LED-digit messages which are sent by the host software to LC.

The power consumption of this system should be about 500-800 mA. So, if your wall adapter is strong enough, you can use it for all modules.

Concerning the MIDI chain: it will not work in this way, because of a potential feedback loop problem. I noted that the LC protocol isn't resistant against this issue, since the LEDs are controlled with the same MIDI events like the appr. buttons. That means: when Logic wants to set a LED, it sends a MIDI event and some miliseconds later it will receive the same back and assume that the button which is assigned to this event has been pressed. Logic crashed sometimes because of this unwanted feedback. However, I found a solution which prevents such crashes - see the next posting (tunnled MIDI events).

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Dan,

it's almost perfect, but I would use the BankStick for the MB64 core, since the LC emulation works with one internal bank only - Logic (or the Mackie HUI unter Cubase SX) has it's own bank handling - tracks and functions can be directly selected with the mouse or with the LC buttons and assigned to the faders, V-pots and buttons. Fast & easy! :)

I think that you don't need a display for the MIDImon, only the 8 LED digits of the MTC display. I've planned to release a new MIDImon version which interprets the LED-digit messages which are sent by the host software to LC.

The power consumption of this system should be about 500-800 mA. So, if your wall adapter is strong enough, you can use it for all modules.

Concerning the MIDI chain: it will not work in this way, because of a potential feedback loop problem. I noted that the LC protocol isn't resistant against this issue, since the LEDs are controlled with the same MIDI events like the appr. buttons. That means: when Logic wants to set a LED, it sends a MIDI event and some miliseconds later it will receive the same back and assume that the button which is assigned to this event has been pressed. Logic crashed sometimes because of this unwanted feedback. However, I found a solution which prevents such crashes - see the next posting (tunnled MIDI events).

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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okay, so here is the updated diagram for my MB...



1. I'm guessing with the bigger graphic display the power requirement is gonna increase, what would be the recommended wall adaptor for this config...

2. What should i be looking for controller/config wise for the graphic LCD? - i know the normal LCD used the HD44780 set...

3. With the bankstick on the MB64 core as you suggested, how would saving banks etc work-out if the LCD is connected to the MIDImon core? Is the LCD able to display info from multiple cores...?

I only really need the CC/Note assignment to the pots/buttons on the MB64 core to be set and left as I have a enviro in Logic to take care of the mapping. The MB16E core would run the LC f/w as stated, 8 of the encoders acting as the v-pots and the last one as the transport/scrubb dial. Buttons would just be assigned to LC functions...

Am I there yet...;)



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okay, so here is the updated diagram for my MB...



1. I'm guessing with the bigger graphic display the power requirement is gonna increase, what would be the recommended wall adaptor for this config...

2. What should i be looking for controller/config wise for the graphic LCD? - i know the normal LCD used the HD44780 set...

3. With the bankstick on the MB64 core as you suggested, how would saving banks etc work-out if the LCD is connected to the MIDImon core? Is the LCD able to display info from multiple cores...?

I only really need the CC/Note assignment to the pots/buttons on the MB64 core to be set and left as I have a enviro in Logic to take care of the mapping. The MB16E core would run the LC f/w as stated, 8 of the encoders acting as the v-pots and the last one as the transport/scrubb dial. Buttons would just be assigned to LC functions...

Am I there yet...;)



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Thats good thinking for bothof you

I would like to ask if is possible to connect only 9 encoders instead of 16? the reduntant signals just go to earth?

For my self i have a plan with 2 cores 1 mf & 1 16e

96 buttons 8 motorfaders 9 encoders ( or if possible to assign master to encoder 10)

and all the leds

Basically an exactly copy of the lc.


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Thats good thinking for bothof you

I would like to ask if is possible to connect only 9 encoders instead of 16? the reduntant signals just go to earth?

For my self i have a plan with 2 cores 1 mf & 1 16e

96 buttons 8 motorfaders 9 encoders ( or if possible to assign master to encoder 10)

and all the leds

Basically an exactly copy of the lc.


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I would like to ask if is possible to connect only 9 encoders instead of 16? the reduntant signals just go to earth?


if i'm not wrong, yes. i think i read it somewhere on this forum; connect the unused pins to ground.

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I would like to ask if is possible to connect only 9 encoders instead of 16? the reduntant signals just go to earth?


if i'm not wrong, yes. i think i read it somewhere on this forum; connect the unused pins to ground.

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Hi Dan,

looks ok so far :)

okay, so here is the updated diagram for my MB...

1. I'm guessing with the bigger graphic display the power requirement is gonna increase, what would be the recommended wall adaptor for this config...

I will answer this question as soon as I get the display from Reichelt

2. What should i be looking for controller/config wise for the graphic LCD? - i know the normal LCD used the HD44780 set...

I will support the KS0107/KS0108 controller, it comes with the same bus interface like the HD44780 and seems to be available in a lot of LCDs

3. With the bankstick on the MB64 core as you suggested, how would saving banks etc work-out if the LCD is connected to the MIDImon core? Is the LCD able to display info from multiple cores...?

no - this feature is possible in theory, but for me it's a low-priority job to integrate this into the MIDIbox-link protocol, since I don't need it by myself.

I only really need the CC/Note assignment to the pots/buttons on the MB64 core to be set and left as I have a enviro in Logic to take care of the mapping. The MB16E core would run the LC f/w as stated, 8 of the encoders acting as the v-pots and the last one as the transport/scrubb dial. Buttons would just be assigned to LC functions...

Note that the MB64 can also send Pitch Bender events - you could plug 8 faders to the analog inputs as cheap replacement for the motorfader section :)

To the unused inputs:

  • all open analog inputs must be tied to ground
  • all open digital inputs must be tied to +5V via a 10k Pull Up resistor. You will notice that such resistors are already available at every input of the DIN module, so you don't have to take special care - it's just plug & play :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Dan,

looks ok so far :)

okay, so here is the updated diagram for my MB...

1. I'm guessing with the bigger graphic display the power requirement is gonna increase, what would be the recommended wall adaptor for this config...

I will answer this question as soon as I get the display from Reichelt

2. What should i be looking for controller/config wise for the graphic LCD? - i know the normal LCD used the HD44780 set...

I will support the KS0107/KS0108 controller, it comes with the same bus interface like the HD44780 and seems to be available in a lot of LCDs

3. With the bankstick on the MB64 core as you suggested, how would saving banks etc work-out if the LCD is connected to the MIDImon core? Is the LCD able to display info from multiple cores...?

no - this feature is possible in theory, but for me it's a low-priority job to integrate this into the MIDIbox-link protocol, since I don't need it by myself.

I only really need the CC/Note assignment to the pots/buttons on the MB64 core to be set and left as I have a enviro in Logic to take care of the mapping. The MB16E core would run the LC f/w as stated, 8 of the encoders acting as the v-pots and the last one as the transport/scrubb dial. Buttons would just be assigned to LC functions...

Note that the MB64 can also send Pitch Bender events - you could plug 8 faders to the analog inputs as cheap replacement for the motorfader section :)

To the unused inputs:

  • all open analog inputs must be tied to ground
  • all open digital inputs must be tied to +5V via a 10k Pull Up resistor. You will notice that such resistors are already available at every input of the DIN module, so you don't have to take special care - it's just plug & play :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks again T...;

WR to the Bankstick situation - what would you suggest for that config then...? You first said to have it feeding of the MB64 core, but as this has no LCD how would i see what i'm saving...have i missed summin sumwhere... ???.

Note that the MB64 can also send Pitch Bender events - you could plug 8 faders to the analog inputs as cheap replacement for the motorfader section

Everypost - another surprise ;) So standard 10k linear faders will operate as motorfaders...???:) I thought motorfaders needed a motor to drive them - hence 'motor', again - mebbe i've missed summin  :P



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Thanks again T...;

WR to the Bankstick situation - what would you suggest for that config then...? You first said to have it feeding of the MB64 core, but as this has no LCD how would i see what i'm saving...have i missed summin sumwhere... ???.

Note that the MB64 can also send Pitch Bender events - you could plug 8 faders to the analog inputs as cheap replacement for the motorfader section

Everypost - another surprise ;) So standard 10k linear faders will operate as motorfaders...???:) I thought motorfaders needed a motor to drive them - hence 'motor', again - mebbe i've missed summin  :P



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Just an update regarding the graphical LCD: I haven't received my order from Reichelt yet - hopefully next week before christmas. I will not update the MIDImon firmware, but create a dedicated PIC18F firmware which will later be part of the MIDIbox NG "MIOS" (MIDI Operating System). The advantage: a much better performance when copying data from flash (factor 32 and more)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Just an update regarding the graphical LCD: I haven't received my order from Reichelt yet - hopefully next week before christmas. I will not update the MIDImon firmware, but create a dedicated PIC18F firmware which will later be part of the MIDIbox NG "MIOS" (MIDI Operating System). The advantage: a much better performance when copying data from flash (factor 32 and more)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Just read the latest news, great stuff fella  ;D

I will not update the MIDImon firmware, but create a dedicated PIC18F firmware which will later be part of the MIDIbox NG "MIOS" (MIDI Operating System).

Hmmm, so goin from my prior diagram can i make everything there except the 3rd core (running the midimon f/w - which was suggested could run the graphics LCD) and then wait for the NG for the graphics LCD implementation to use with the LC f/w?

Will it be okay to mix the current mbhp modules I'm using in my design (mb64/16e(LC)) and then use the new NG f/w in a forthcoming PIC18F core for the graphics LCD?



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Just read the latest news, great stuff fella  ;D

I will not update the MIDImon firmware, but create a dedicated PIC18F firmware which will later be part of the MIDIbox NG "MIOS" (MIDI Operating System).

Hmmm, so goin from my prior diagram can i make everything there except the 3rd core (running the midimon f/w - which was suggested could run the graphics LCD) and then wait for the NG for the graphics LCD implementation to use with the LC f/w?

Will it be okay to mix the current mbhp modules I'm using in my design (mb64/16e(LC)) and then use the new NG f/w in a forthcoming PIC18F core for the graphics LCD?



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Hi Dan,

yes, correct. Just mix them. As I already wrote, the hardware itself is compatible (unfortunetaly the software isn't). Also the price is compatible ;-) (the PIC16F877-20/P costs about US$8.80 at Digikey, the PIC18F452-I/P US$9.40)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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