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Anybody use Korg Microkontrol for USB Midi

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I am working on my core module, and everything seems fine, except that I am having difficulty loading MIOS. Last time I did a build I had a different interface - now I am not so sure if the Core is receiving Midi since there are 2 ports, and several different options on the Korg interface. Does it send sysex?

This is probably not the place to ask about the Korg controller - most of you probably built your own! - T

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I don't have a MicroKontrol, just read the specifications...

it's said, that you can use this device as a midiport for your PC.

In this case it should work.

. Does it send sysex?

You should see the messages in Midi-Ox by selecting the right devices, I think. The microKontrol itself don't need to send sysex, I think, it just has to forward them, or ?

If you see no messages in midi-ox, perhaps there is a filter implemented in the Korg you can switch off ?

Not the best advices, but perhaps someone else who own a korg has better tips ??



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ok - I spent some more time with this one - still receiving the upload requests: tried switiching polatiry on midi in - no change. Turned off the clock on the Korg, still no change (I thought that was going to be it too :)) I see the bootstrap blocks on the LCD, regulator stays nice and cool, and all solder connections have been triple checked and touched up. The midi monitor registers both the upload requests, and the sysex file being transfered.

So I tried the LED test on the midi in - and I find that it does not flicker at all - in fact, it glows fairly bright! So I powered down the core - it still glows from the midi out of the korg....

Should the LED glow like this? Perhaps the Korg is just not going to cooperate with MBHP... in which case, it may be time to go to the store and "Demo" another interface (aka, use it and not pay) Unless someone has some insight into this matter that is. In which case, I would be supremely thankful - T

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