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Remote control a C64?

Guest Michael_Hill

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Guest Michael_Hill

Hi there

I've found you guys after looking up and down the web for anything on the sound of the good old SID. I know ther is something called the SID-Station but it seems a little bit expensive. So I've been wondering whether it would at all be possible to remote control an old Commodore C64.

I mean would it be possible (or even better: has it been done???) to write a program on a Mac or a PC and then link this computer up to your C64 (with MIDI?) and load some other software into the  C64 and in this way play the SID like a Softsynth from your main Computer. I think that would be great, but maybe my idea is simply impossible. Can anybody out there help or dissilusion me?...

Loads of thanks, Mike  :)

PS: I must say, I am VERY impressed by the Synths you guys build here! I'm sure you'd suggest that I should build one of these things too, that would be neat, but I dont think I have the time and the experience to do such a thing...  :'(

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Hi there

but I dont think I have the time ...

You surely will find some time to build a core and a sid module.

..and the experience to do such a thing...  :'(

Hey thats the occasion for having experience. Thats why this forum exists. The explanations on the Site are very good and here are a lot of persons who can help you troubleshooting.

Good Luck


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Guest Michael_Hill

Thank you all for your replies; on building one myself, well you are getting me tempted...        ::)

...but what I'm wondering in general is, whether a hardware modification is necessary or if it couldn't be done ralatively elegant through a software solution (an app. for your C64 and an app. for the Mac/PC programmed so that the two machines can comunicate and the Mac/PC can remote controll the SID through MIDI). I dont know much about programming but is there no way to simply make the SID directly accessable for an external Computer? I'm thinking about a software that would do with a little Synth App on the C64 what Sounddiver dose with other Synths and thus make the SID accessable for any thing, it would be like a quadraSID but with an original SID actually making the sounds.

Wouldn't it be cool, if there where a software of that kind that would turn any old C64 into a virtual Synth with a Harware chip...

Is there anybody who can tell if this kind of thing would theoreticallly be possible...

Possible or not, I'm daydreaming about it... ;)

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Take a look on:


There you can read this :


You could leave the chip inside a Commodore 64, but that introduces a host of problems. The data bus the chip sits on is quite noisy. This contributes to overall signal noise. The 64 and its power supply are not so robust or portable. You would also need to write some kind of C64 cartridge or ROM, attach a Midi Interface and then hope your vintage C64 doesn't fail. It's usualy better to just find a different controller, especialy if you want to use 2 or more SIDs"

Its easier to make a little core and sid module (PCB available finished)

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