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MB_LC LCD Mayhem :(


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OK im seriously confused....

I picked up two 4x40 LCD's to use on my LC.

The plan was to use just 2 of the 4 rows on each as in the standard LC design

Its all wired, up all wires in parallel except for the enable lines which go to the seperate LCD's. When I power up everything appears to work except some of the characters are missing and there are a few random ones thrown in! Checked all my connections and all appears OK

So I tryed unhooking the enable line of the 2nd LCD and attaching it to the 2nd enable line of the 1st LCD powered up and presto all 4 rows of the first LCD are working just fine! problem being I dont want to use one LCD I want it spread over both LCDs  :-/

Anyone got any tips? I presume it is OK to use a 4x40 as a 2x40 by only using one of the enable lines?



mmmmm actually it seems to drop characters and add the odd random character regardless of if its connected to LCD 1 or 2

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I'm not quite sure on this but ...

In some other PIC Projects I used a 4x40 LCD.

The problem was the order in which the lines get filled:

On a 2 x 40 LCD the lines get filled from line 1 to line 2.

A 4x40 LCD is filed: Line1, Line3, Line2, Line4.

I think you have to change the code, if you want to use 2 4x40 LCD because the adresseing (line, character) fittes not your display.



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mmmm thanks for the idea.

I am currently trying a new PIC as I didnt take it out while I was soldering the LCD wires (too lazy!) if that doesnt fix it???

Do you think this is difficult to change the code so it will work with my 4x40's?

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Uhps...now you're asking the wrong one...

I'm pretty sure, that it is not very hard in MIOS - but I have no idea how !

Perhaps it's only a easy  change in the display driver.

In fact that our GOD (TK) is busy at the moment, maybe somone else can help ?

I am currently trying a new PIC as I didnt take it out while I was soldering the LCD wires

No problem ! You'll not be able to kill that PIC by only soldering. Believe me - it survived !


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OK thanks

Yeah the PIC's are a hardy type ::)

I think that the root of my problem as with most on this site is dodgy connections, as i managed to get it to work last nite .......but only while holding the wires (and my tounge) on a certain angle!

So sorry to waste your time.


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