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Editing Wavetables (was: Ctrlr based editor for MBSID V2)

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Posted (edited)

Amazing to see you active again Thorsten!

Have you any plans or even the time to finish the Wavetable Editor for the Ctrlr panel?

I would love to recreate the wavetables from classic c64 SID tunes.

Fabio Marinelli is doing some great recreations using the Insidious VST on his youtube channel, and actively shares MIDI and project files for Cubase and FLStudio on his discord.


If a clean UI could be made to simplify the process of sequencing of wavetables (something like the one in Indsidious) I would really be interested, i think Hawkeye is going through of a phase of exploring the classic wavetable sounds at the moment also!
As always theres the older and free Reaktor Plugin for Insidious also:
Great to hear from you again, and hope all is well in Bavaria!

Edited by Smithy
Posted (edited)
On 11/24/2016 at 3:54 PM, ChinMuzik said:

^^^ so this doesn't edit wavetables?

So the only way to program wavetable sequences is through the MIOS menu?

Is there any non-Hex windows based application that can edit sequences? I hate to say it..but Mode Machines had a really nice way to do it. 

Rutgers Java Editor has support for editing wavetable sequences, you need to have your MIDIbox SID connected via midi, both the output and input of your MIDI interface.
You can download his editor here:

But yeah, it would be great to have a complete editor on Ctrlr.

Edited by Smithy

Thank you both - as you noticed, I'm solving some topics, but please don't expect too much in the next months, I just want to ensure that we are still able to play with our MIDIboxes (and of course enhance them) the next years :happy:

On 10/26/2023 at 10:26 PM, Smithy said:

Have you any plans or even the time to finish the Wavetable Editor for the Ctrlr panel?

Need some time to think about this - The MBSIDV2 WT handler offers much more flexibility than the Reaktor based solution, and such a nice looking GUI won't be possible to implement with the given capabilities of Ctrlr. So, it's already clear: if I come up with a solution, it will be very pragmatic... :veryhappy:

Best Regards, Thorsten.

On 10/28/2023 at 8:26 PM, TK. said:

Thank you both - as you noticed, I'm solving some topics, but please don't expect too much in the next months, I just want to ensure that we are still able to play with our MIDIboxes (and of course enhance them) the next years :happy:

Need some time to think about this - The MBSIDV2 WT handler offers much more flexibility than the Reaktor based solution, and such a nice looking GUI won't be possible to implement with the given capabilities of Ctrlr. So, it's already clear: if I come up with a solution, it will be very pragmatic... :veryhappy:

Best Regards, Thorsten.

I'll try playing with Rutgers editor in the coming weeks and will come up with some suggestions for the UI. Great to see you back!

Posted (edited)

The link to the 3 of these pages in the MIDIbox SID V2 User Manual Page are dead.

Edited by Smithy

The links listed here: http://ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual.html are working at my end - which page do you mean exactly?

Yes, I'm aware that WTs are harder to program. People have to learn hexadecimal numbers... a good GUI design could hide this complexity and make WTs more accessible, but 1) Ctrlr limitations have to be considered and 2) it has to be consider that actually 4 wavetables are available with inididual start/end/loop point which can be anywhere in the 128 steps table.

If you limit such features just to simplify the GUI (like in Insidious), it would mean that WTs in some patches can't be edited properly. Hence we need a solution which is easy to use and universal enough.

Concerning usage examples: did you already find the "first steps" guide - search for "Wavetable Sequencer": http://ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_fs.html

There are also some legacy tutorials for MBSID V1 which show how to work with arpeggios:

Best Regards, Thorsten.


Posted (edited)


When I first started writing this post, the links opened fine from the User Manual on ucapps.de. Now I'm getting the page above. I can open the links from my post on the forum fine though?
I figured out 2 settings which were messing up the wavetables, Instrument 1 in Multi Engine was set to Poly instead of Mono.

And the "Wavetable Only" was not enabled in Rutgers Editor.
Almost have the Central Park Arp sounding the same now except I get notes that are too high pitched.
I'll post the results in my next post below.

Edited by Smithy
Posted (edited)

So the above is the result I get from MIDI track 1 (attached). Some unexpected high notes.

Central Park Loader.mid
Basically in wavetable 1, I'm copying straight from the video, Step 1 =0, Step 2 = +2 octaves, Step 3 = +1 Octave and repeated for the 12 steps.
In Wavetable 2, I want the Triangle Waveform to play on each of the 12 steps. So in hexidecimal it should be a value of 01 on each step?
I know that theres probably other ways of selecting the triangle wave but I'm trying to copy the video and understand how to put in the values.


It could also be an issue with my MB-6582 causing unexpected behavior, I need to resolder joints as I get some noise at times.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks. :)


Edited by Smithy

(Almost) well done! :)


Some unexpected high notes.

I would propose to define a 13th step (at position #12) which transposes by +0 (-> no transpose), and to set the loop point there. This ensures it won't be transposed further.
Alternatively try Oneshot mode.


In Wavetable 2, I want the Triangle Waveform to play on each of the 12 steps. So in hexidecimal it should be a value of 01 on each step?



It could also be an issue with my MB-6582 causing unexpected behavior, I need to resolder joints as I get some noise at times.

Are you using this PSU? https://www.c64psu.com/c64psu/43-commodore-64-c64-psu-power-supply.html#/37-ac_cable-eu

I noticed that the 5V output sometimes only delivers ca. 4.5V, which is too low and can cause random glitches. Also display backlight becomes darker. Power-cycling the PSU normally helps to get it stable again.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: I will move the wavetable topic to a separate thread, because it's unrelated to the Ctrlr Panel

Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, TK. said:

Are you using this PSU? https://www.c64psu.com/c64psu/43-commodore-64-c64-psu-power-supply.html#/37-ac_cable-eu

I noticed that the 5V output sometimes only delivers ca. 4.5V, which is too low and can cause random glitches. Also display backlight becomes darker. Power-cycling the PSU normally helps to get it stable again.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

I am using a 12V 2A PSU that was used for an external harddrive and have Altitudes PSU mod installed on my MB-6582 with the fancy RECOM voltage regulators.

I've had the issue with the original C64 PSU and power brick also so there may be a short or grounding issue. I think I could feel a tingle before when touching the fan's metal grill.

I've procrastinated the repair in fear of making it worse but I will attempt to fix it someday!

Thanks for the help with the Arp, I will try it out!

I love how Insidious has the 4 clickable waveforms per step, as well as sync, ring mod etc..

And how it's much faster in general to recreate a SID tune. 

Not sure if it's possible to copy that UI without losing some features in CTRLr. 

If I have anymore ideas on a UI I will post them in the relevant CTRLr editor thread. Thanks Thorsten!

Edited by Smithy

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