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Grounding analog multiplexers sockets in the AINX


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My project requires only 6 analog multiplexers. I've got the AINX boards from SmashTV which are based on the MBHP_AINX4_V2 module design.

As i have only need for 44 pots/faders, only 6 4051 meltiplexers is needed to plug in to the sockets right?

Am wondering how do i ground the rest of the 2 unused sockets. Do i need to clamp every one of the extra j3 and j4?

BTW what's a LFO for and what does it do as talked about at http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ext.html.


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Just connect A2 and A3 on the second AIN to ground. This will prevent the random midi events.

A LFO is a Low Frequency Oscillator. In that example, the oscilator(s) are connected to a pin on the ain module. The LFO sends a voltage from 0 to 5 and then back down at a speed(frequency) set by a Pot. The Midibox reads this and converts it to a CC Message(0-127) just as if you were turning a knob at a regulated speed.

Hope this helps.


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