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Good news for PIC18F migration


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Hi all,

today I tried the newest version of IC-Prog (v1.05A) and noticed that programming the PIC18F452 with the JDM programmer is working now without any modification! So, everything is fine: all MBHP modules are compatible with the new chip. :)

So, my plans for the next weeks:

  • final release of MIDIbox MF and MIDIbox16E firmware for PIC16F with full Mackie/Logic Control emulation. After this release, only bugfixes will be provided anymore and no new features (unless they are easy to integrate)
  • Graphical LCD support for LC emulation only with PIC18F (!)
  • additional MIDIbox SID features (Wave-Sequences, CV-Outs) for PIC16F and PIC18F
  • Final MIDIbox64SEQ release with PIC16F
  • SID Control Surface only with PIC18F
  • MIDIbox NG which replaces MIDIbox64, 16E, MF, SEQ only for PIC18F

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi all,

today I tried the newest version of IC-Prog (v1.05A) and noticed that programming the PIC18F452 with the JDM programmer is working now without any modification! So, everything is fine: all MBHP modules are compatible with the new chip. :)

So, my plans for the next weeks:

  • final release of MIDIbox MF and MIDIbox16E firmware for PIC16F with full Mackie/Logic Control emulation. After this release, only bugfixes will be provided anymore and no new features (unless they are easy to integrate)
  • Graphical LCD support for LC emulation only with PIC18F (!)
  • additional MIDIbox SID features (Wave-Sequences, CV-Outs) for PIC16F and PIC18F
  • Final MIDIbox64SEQ release with PIC16F
  • SID Control Surface only with PIC18F
  • MIDIbox NG which replaces MIDIbox64, 16E, MF, SEQ only for PIC18F

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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yes, I've already enough time for all the other things which are necessary for a pleasurable life - that's perfectionized scheduling ;-)

Jack: the PIC18F452-I/P is required, this is the DIP version (the big one which is easy for soldering)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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yes, I've already enough time for all the other things which are necessary for a pleasurable life - that's perfectionized scheduling ;-)

Jack: the PIC18F452-I/P is required, this is the DIP version (the big one which is easy for soldering)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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hi TK,

Good to to know MB development is on track. O.k. graphic LCD support is only on MBNG so i guess Mackie/Logic control emulation will have 40x2 support with drop characters?, which is fine but I was wondering if there was a way to support 2 40x2 LCDs as in the  Radikal Technologies SAC2K controller. If we are using 2 cores to a box, each core has its own 40x2 display but the display handler for each works differently. The first core's display handler only excepts the first half of characters from Logic Control emulation while the 2nd core's display handles the other half. Is this a workable alternative. If it is maybe a way could be found to enable or disable this feature and also to select which firrmware (MBMF or MB16E) is the first half display so as to not have to many firmware variants for you to support.



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hi TK,

Good to to know MB development is on track. O.k. graphic LCD support is only on MBNG so i guess Mackie/Logic control emulation will have 40x2 support with drop characters?, which is fine but I was wondering if there was a way to support 2 40x2 LCDs as in the  Radikal Technologies SAC2K controller. If we are using 2 cores to a box, each core has its own 40x2 display but the display handler for each works differently. The first core's display handler only excepts the first half of characters from Logic Control emulation while the 2nd core's display handles the other half. Is this a workable alternative. If it is maybe a way could be found to enable or disable this feature and also to select which firrmware (MBMF or MB16E) is the first half display so as to not have to many firmware variants for you to support.



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