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Hi everyone!

i've just gathered all parts, pcb's and soldered them all...

JDM programmer - burn sucefully (thats what it says)

Bootloader programmed

Core parts soldered in PCB

measures OK but 7805 gets very hot...needing heatsink, i used a 15-0-15 transformer but using only one live 15-0v 1Amp

SID parts amd PCB all sodered

DINX1 created in protoboard

buttons and rotary encoder connected

i've uploaded the MIOS and the SID program throu MIDI-OX and it seems to be done sucefully (no errors shown) but the LCD only blink as i turn on the power. no data in display... i'm using a 16x2 LCD

files uploaded to PIC18F452:

- Bootloader - JDM progm



Help please? i cant get it work :(

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I would suggest double checking your lcd connections.

Check your contrast pot

Do you have a backlight?

Will your core respond to midi? There is a sysex string you can send, and the core will send it back to midiox if your core is running properly. I'll look around for it and post if I find it.

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thanks for the reply...

as i can tell the lcd is well connected... it as a backlight (led backlight) that blinks... but it shows no data...

i'll see if i can find that sysex string...

i need to get back to that sid+core... no much time as i'm away from home theses days.

thank you!


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Heres the string I was talking about... It was moved under the WIKI


How can I test if MIOS is running?

After the startup phase, you can send this message "F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F F7" to the core, MIOS should reply with the same message immediately. You could also try to upload an application, after every code block a checksum message will be send which acknowledges that the stream has been received correctly.


I would try this first to see if your MIOS is really running properly, I had problems back on the first releases and this was a lifesaver for troubleshooting  ;D

How hot is your regulator? Burning hot?

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About the display - I don't know if this matters, but the MBSID program uses a 2x20 LCD as default, so now that you use a 2x16, you should change one value in the sid_init.inc file (you will find it, the file is well documented). Somebody correct me if this isn't necessary.

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I am unsure what configurations you would have to set up, but I am wondering why your regulator is soo hot.

What type of transformer are you using?

I would suggest unhooking the backlight once, and see if your regulator stays a little cooler.

I would check your current too. Might need to use a different regulator.

just suggestions, let me know...

- ;D


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Finally i'm at home...

i've setup right the LCD connection (it was reversed) so it stays on...but keeps showing no data... i've tried sending the string of sysex and it comes out right the response... i've changed the PIC and uploaded MIOS, then tested the string it comes ok, then i've changed the LCD inc file for sid to put it on a 16x2 LCD, uploaded the main.inc and the 6581_with_cs as i have 6 buttons 1 encoder and 1 lcd... after that come out sucefully (i think) i disconnected the midi's from the pc and turn off the sid system... turn on and nothing :( just the backlight on...

i'm getting suspicious on the conection betwen the sid and the core. need to chek that out. probably is the same thing that happend with the lcd module :|

as soon i got news i'll let you all know :)

once again, thank you all for the great help :D

the hot regulator... i think its because of the backlight of the lcd... since its a large character LCD (twice big as standard).

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i've found out that the connection betwen the core and the sid was wrong... now its ok, but still no data showned in lcd...

do i have to change anything else in the .inc files to make it work? i'm i doing the correct sequence of upload?

Mios - set up lcd.inc from sid to 16x2 - 6581_with_cs.inc - turn off sistem, connect midi keyboard turn on, no data on display :(

any hint would be nice :D

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If you can do it easily, disconnect everything from the core except the LCD. Load only MIOS and troubleshoot until you get "READY." on the LCD. That way you know that MIOS is working and so is your LCD. It really seems to me that you have a problem in the LCD wiring. With only the Bootstrap loader, you should see a row of blocks on the top row only. Then after MIOS is loaded you should see "READY." What type of display do you have? Can you post a link to its datasheet? If you disconnect the backlight, you should still see text. The contrast pot should make a big difference - from nothing to very dark.


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well... my looooooong weekend is over...so its time to get to work (double time) and get the sid working... i'm connected one more time after assembled the code (no..i didnt assembled the code with the changes of the lcd etc and so on...) and while uploading the MIOS to a new PIC my sid 2200uF cap blow off... i hope sid is alive... no further work done so far... but i'm going to dissasemble all and start again... i will keep you guys updated :)

once again, thankyou!!!!!

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If you can do it easily, disconnect everything from the core except the LCD. Load only MIOS and troubleshoot until you get "READY." on the LCD. That way you know that MIOS is working and so is your LCD. It really seems to me that you have a problem in the LCD wiring. With only the Bootstrap loader, you should see a row of blocks on the top row only. Then after MIOS is loaded you should see "READY." What type of display do you have? Can you post a link to its datasheet? If you disconnect the backlight, you should still see text. The contrast pot should make a big difference - from nothing to very dark.


Ok, i've disconnected everything except the core, burn a new PIC with bootloader, and turn on the core... no row of blocks shown :( , uploaded the MIOS and no "READY" message shown :( ... i'm getting desperated! i've checked and rechecked avery solder joint wire connection etc etc... and the LCD connection was reversed but now i can regulate the backlight bright with the trimpots of the core...

HEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!! lol

thank you all guys!!! you are beeing very patient with this noob.

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Did you send MIOS within the 2 seconds of the bootloader boot string?

Do you get correct checksums (OKs)?

If you did:

Do the test string I gave you if no reply from the PC, check your midi connections. Also check your MIDI-OX settings, and watch the verification when you upload. This is where I would check first. I think there is a logfile in MIDI-OX, if you want to have somepeople check out what your seeing go ahead and paste it up...it might help

When you had the LCD reversed what was reversed? If mios seems to give you the correct reply string when you ping it, I would think maybe your LCD fried, or you still have bad connections (which you said you fixed).

I had an anomoly problem once on the earlier version of mios. I kept having problems getting it to work. It kept on rebooting, or freezing... weird stuff.

This was a prototype done on a breadboard.

Thorsten suggested wiring the crystal to the PIC, maybe because of stray capacitance. But no luck.

Come to find out, I popped a resistor in in the lcd somewhere (Cant remember) and it worked. I have also heard of problems similar when there was a problem with midi connections.

Hope this helps out!!!

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i've setup right the LCD connection (it was reversed) so it stays on...but keeps showing no data... i've tried sending the string of sysex and it comes out right the response... i've changed the PIC and uploaded MIOS, then tested the string it comes ok,
It sounds like your CORE is working, but just without display.  I'm assuming here that you are talking about having the backlight polarity reversed then corrected in your previous posts.

Please read my "Character LCD problems?" post



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Opened MIDI Input

Opened MIDI Output


IN:   1) ADSP24 MIDI1 Device

OUT:  2) ADSP24 MIDI1 Device

  In: MIDI-OX Events

    Details/Chan: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,CM,RT,Sx



00021961   1  --     F0  Buffer:     8 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

000220C7   1  --     F0  Buffer:     8 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

and keeps on going like this until i upload MIOS 1.7

Upload of MIOS 1.7 :


SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 0E F7

0003539A   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 34 F7

00035688   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 3A F7

00035978   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 3F F7

00035C67   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 5D F7

00035F58   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 20 F7

00036246   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 42 F7

00036535   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 28 F7

00036826   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 59 F7

00036B14   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 0C F7

00036E05   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 7C F7

000370F4   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 10 F7

000373E3   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 53 F7


00034E24  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 00 00 01 00 40 3B 62 3F 04 03 5E

SYSX: 13 78 27 56 03 46 42 3D 3A 42 34 14 1B 13 1B 21 1D 54

SYSX: 00 5A 09 75 61 67 50 79 2D 04 3D 00 44 01 61 67 6E 1E

SYSX: 5E 16 3E 73 75 7B 33 77 2F 2F 5F 1F 3B 7A 7D 39 7B 67

SYSX: 54 07 40 5E 7D 20 4C 05 7B 6A 05 60 2F 7E 51 10 02 71


SYSX: 40 05 36 16 44 00 39 00 0A 4A 18 60 0E F7

00035114  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 01 00 01 00 00 74 02 20 04 55 5E


00035402  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 02 00 01 00 7D 75 73 1D 3E 4B 2C

SYSX: 01 07 25 7B 1C 7E 5A 63 59 05 03 52 3D 4E 2F 2C 01 77


000356F1  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 03 00 01 00 01 42 60 61 07 1F 43

SYSX: 11 28 41 61 20 37 03 31 10 47 4D 72 12 7F 73 2F 0F 28


000359E1  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 04 00 01 00 09 36 1D 7B 10 4F 31

SYSX: 6F 5A 05 1B 0E 7D 58 2B 58 77 6E 02 6D 47 3E 74 17 6C


00035CD1  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 05 00 01 00 45 65 12 15 08 00 1E

SYSX: 1F 05 69 0B 5D 45 02 17 14 45 60 51 39 14 4E 77 0B 42


00035FC0  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 06 00 01 00 19 03 5E 76 70 0D 54

SYSX: 09 00 3D 25 00 27 00 12 00 01 4A 40 3A 67 67 2E 03 28


000362AF  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 07 00 01 00 00 28 1F 7E 78 43 60

SYSX: 24 77 46 1E 00 28 06 09 3F 09 00 00 0B 20 23 20 00 59


0003659E  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 08 00 01 00 74 0E 5D 03 01 60 16

SYSX: 40 04 53 1B 70 28 06 0A 6B 04 40 1E 55 01 6B 3F 05 15


0003688E  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 09 00 01 00 02 01 58 00 70 0C 2D

SYSX: 0F 35 44 3B 00 15 00 15 50 02 5B 51 75 0F 0D 20 05 0C


00036B7F  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 0A 00 01 00 19 0C 06 03 21 01 28

SYSX: 2E 25 5B 0D 77 1B 17 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F

SYSX: 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F


00036E6E  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 0B 00 01 00 6E 3B 60 1F 05 73 5E

SYSX: 01 78 32 3D 70 0F 42 71 6F 00 7C 1C 2E 78 07 61 06 77


0003715D  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:  1184 Bytes   System Exclusive      

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 02 0C 00 01 00 09 00 00 00 00 48 00

SYSX: 00 00 04 40 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 10 4E 78 67 60 12 00


to see the full report go here :


Then i turn off the CORE and connected the LCD to COre... power on...

NO DATA on lcd...

input of midi-ox gives this string :

00061A75   1  --     F0  Buffer:     8 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

LCD backlight is on, i send the string F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F F7 to see the response of MIOS...

response on input of MIDI-OX

0009CD96   1  --     F0  Buffer:     9 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 00 F7

Response on output of MIDI-OX

0009CD92  MOX  2     F0  Buffer:     8 Bytes   System Exclusive

SYSX: F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F F7

i'm going to check the smashTV post about LCD troubleshoot and get back to you :)

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It sounds like your CORE is working, but just without display.  I'm assuming here that you are talking about having the backlight polarity reversed then corrected in your previous posts.

Please read my "Character LCD problems?" post



i've checked the LCD and tested it on my computer, wich shows the characters correctly without using any negative voltage. i'm going to doublecheck the core pcb for bad solder joints...

thank you :)

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The LCD i'm using is this one:

Optrex DMC16230NY-LY-B 16x2 LCD display with yellow/green LED backlight.

Datasheet for it :


i've connected a parallel cable to it and a pot to adjust the backlight and connect it to parallel port of my pc, running lcd smartie and it shows the info whitout having a negative voltage for contrast.

still, no data is beeing show when connected to the core.

thank you all :)

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:D :D :D


After a long night troubleshooting, i found out that there was a wire dead in the LCD connection... replaced and...VOILá!!!!! CORE working and getting the READY message. application SID uploaded and working, all controls working, now its time to get some sound out of it...

bbl :)

thank you all for helping :D

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well... no sound out...

the only sound i got is an annoying FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII coming out of the speakers... i'm using some computer amplified speakers... i'm affraid i've burn the SID chip with the first stage of assembling :(

now i need to get my hands on another sid chip...

the core and program are working great, i can navigate all the things, and change everything. everything was already double checked.

as soon as i have news... i'll post them :)

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Hi atomsize,

don´t throw away the SID yet. If the FIIIIII [...] is not very loud: The SID chip makes this noise as long as it is not initialized. Perhaps you´ve got another connection problem - check the connection between core and sid module. Is the cable built like in the new docs? for MIOS 1.7 some pins are connected differently than for older MIOSses.


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i've build a new connection cable for using with core and sid... i got the voltages right (5v on logic ic's and SID), but still no sound out. the FIIIIIIIII is not loud... i can ear it because i have the speakers on full power...lol

on a scope theres a small noise but is very small. i've used the conection diagram thats showned in the sid page... but i'll check it one more time (only 3 days from now cause i'm out of home).

Once again thank you :)

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