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seqencer shift registers...


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hi all,

i'm just about to (finally) finish my seqencer. I had it working before but the encoders acted weird; jumping back and forwrd, because of the jungle of wires between my buttons+encoders/din-pcb's (at least thats what i think the problem was). I decided to etch some new pcb's that mount the all buttons, encoders, leds and din circuits.

I just edited mios_tables.inc to assign the shift register pins to the sequencer functions. everything fine;

;; NOTE: the pins of the 16 general purpose buttons are assigned at main.asm

if i look in main.asm;

; Some menus are provide the possibility to use 16 "general purpose" buttons

; Define the two shift registers which are assigned to this function here:

; (valid numbers: 1-16)

#define DEFAULT_GP_DIN_SR0      7      ; first GP DIN shift register assigned to SR#7

#define DEFAULT_GP_DIN_SR1      10      ; second GP DIN shift register assigned to SR#10

:-/ ??? :( on my pcb's i placed the 74HC165's between encoders and GP buttons; the GP buttons all connect to the first/bottom pins; pin 0-3 of a SR pins. pins 4-7 of the SR's connect to the encoders..

anyone knows a way to assign specific pins to the GP buttons?  



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I guess your out of luck here.. GP buttons are assigned "shift register wide", so you can't use individual pins for those. Another wire mess coming..

By reading the code, GP buttons are also handled quite differently from other buttons.. but I didn't see anything that prohibits modifying GP button handler code to support individually assigned pins.. or is there??! Gurus?

So it's up to you, do you want to start modifying asm code or cutting traces and soldering jumper wires..

Bye, Moebius

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hi all,

so, any of you code guru's can tell me if it's possible to workaround this problem by making the GP-buttons individually assignable?

Or does this affect the stability and speed of the appllication too much; what are the concequences?

I know this is probably a lot of work, and it's only workaround for a (stupid  :-[ ) mistake i made when designing my pcb's. On the other hand; if there is a simple solution i would hate to miss it and start building a ratsnest of wires again!

thanks, marcel

moderator; you can move this to mios_programming if you want, didn't want to start another thread

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Hi Marcel,

the required software changes are not so easy compared to the small hardware changes you have to make: just cut the tracks to the buttons/encoders which are affected and re-wire the DIN inputs with small cables.

This will possibly cost you one hour of work on the ready-made PCB, but this is much less time than writing down an article about the required changes especially for your problem.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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