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LED Reverse Voltage


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Moebius is right, If you put the LED in the wrong way in theory If you apply 4 Volts in the wrong direction i.e.  if you put 4 volts on the Cathode and 0 volts on the Anode you will blow it.

In practice it will probably handel a bit more, maybe another 0.5 to 1.0 Volt. Not a  good idea thought.

These LED's will be fine, as all ways make sure they are connected around the right way.



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LED's in the multiplexed displays such as the MIDIbox LC LED rings and level meters do get reverse bias (this means they see a reverse voltage as the display matrix is scanned). However it would be about 4V max, because there will be a voltage drop on the outputs of the Dout drivers. The rated voltage on the LED is likely to be a conservative figure therefor its highly unlikely to be a problem.


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Thanks a lot!

... I thought, that theoretically it shouldn't be a problem, since I use the LEDs only for light emission and not as a diode function.

I also know, that there is more to think about than just within the fences of my basic electronic understanding  ;D... that's why I asked ::)

Thanks guys... I'll give it a try for LED rings in my MIDI-Box LC design.

Greets, Roger

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