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MBSeq Vintage


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I want to build a Midibox Sequencer, and i'm just wondering if I got everything right to order.

First i ran throught the Hardware-Questions listed on http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_options.html

Then i wrote down what i need. Hope someone of you cann tell me if i got everything right.

--Pots or Encoders?

Pots, because I've 64 laying around here somewhere *g*

--How many buttons?

44 as on mbseq Vintage


16 for the steps

04 All, Layer A,B,C

04 Left, Right, Select, Exit

04 Track 1-4

04 Solo, Menu, Stop, Play

04 Metronome, Forward, Rewind, Pause

04 Edit, Mute, Pattern, Song

04 F1, F2, F3, F4



? Seem to be useles with Pots

? 02 Scrub, fast and J5?


? Does That mean I could add another 16 buttons, and use them to ? send Midisignals (Like Pattern mute and unmute for my MC303 ? perhaps?)


--How many LEDs?

79 (with Beat Indicator)


16 Buttons

48 aditional for the  other parts

03 Layer A, B, C

01 Beat Indicator

04 Track 1-4

02 All, Fast

02 Solo, Mute

03 Edit, Song, Pattern

-- Which display size?

2 2x40 LCD, since there is no way to display the Data on 4 2x20 LCD or even 16 2x4



? Does anyone know round displays? I want to have the Displays

? like a Circle. The best Solution for me would be 16 2x4 Displays ? ;-)

? But a round display would also work. Has anyone seen something

? like this? Or is it possible to use four 2x20 displays perhaps?



--Left/Right button or Datawheel?

Left/Right button


2 Bankstick should work.


1 Core Module
| Description                                  | Qty   | Part #             | Price | Total  |
| PIC18F452                                    |     1 | PIC18F452          | 10.85 |  10.85 |

| Description                                  | Qty   | Part #             | Price | Total  |
| Crystal 10 MHz                               |     1 | 10-HC18            |  0.44 |   0.44 |
| Voltage Regulator 7805                       |     1 | uA 7805            |  0.28 |   0.28 |
| IC-Socket for PIC                            |     1 | GS 40P             |  0.45 |   0.45 |
| Optocoupler 6N138                            |     1 | 6N 138             |  0.69 |   0.69 |
| IC-Socket for Optocoupler                    |     1 | GS 8P              |  0.12 |   0.12 |
| Transistor BC337                             |     1 | BC 337-16          |  0.06 |   0.06 |
| Resistor 10 kOhm                             |     3 | 1/4W 10k           |  0.03 |   0.09 |
| Resistor 5.6 kOhm                            |     1 | 1/4W 5.6k          |  0.03 |   0.03 |
| Resistor 1.2 kOhm                            |     1 | 1/4W 1.2k          |  0.03 |   0.03 |
| Resistor 1 kOhm                              |     2 | 1/4W 1k            |  0.03 |   0.06 |
| Resistor 220 Ohm                             |     3 | 1/4W 220           |  0.03 |   0.09 |
| Resistor 100 Ohm                             |     1 | 1/4W 100           |  0.03 |   0.03 |
| Ceramic Cap 100 nF                           |     1 | Z5U-2,5 100n       |  0.06 |   0.06 |
| Ceramic Cap 330 nF                           |     1 | MKS-2 330n         |  0.17 |   0.17 |
| Ceramic Cap 33 pF                            |     2 | Kerko 33p          |  0.04 |   0.08 |
| Polarised Capacitor 10 uF                    |     1 | rad 10/35          |  0.05 |   0.05 |
| Polarised Capacitor 2200 uF                  |     1 | rad 2200/16        |  0.26 |   0.26 |
| Diode 1N4148                                 |     1 | 1N 4148            |  0.02 |   0.02 |
| Rectifier                                    |     1 | B80C800RUND        |  0.18 |   0.18 |
| TrimmPot 10 k                                |     2 | PT 6-S 10k         |  0.21 |   0.42 |
| MIDI Sockets                                 |     2 | MAB 5S             |  0.25 |   0.50 |
| 1-row SIL Headers (about 50 pins)            |     2 | STIFTL. 40G        |  0.18 |   0.36 |
| 2-row SIL Headers (about 2*20 pins)          |     1 | STIFTL. 2X40G      |  0.36 |   0.36 |
| Jumpers for the programming socket           |     5 | JUMPER RT          |  0.04 |   0.20 |
| Ribbon cable 3 meters                        |     3 | AWG 28-16G         |  0.66 |   1.98 |
| Wall adapter (Power supply) 500 mA           |     1 | MW 17-GS/6         |  5.35 |   5.35 |
| Socket for Power Supply                      |     1 | HEBLM 21           |  0.77 |   0.77 |

3 Din Modules
| Description                                  | Qty   | Part #             | Price | Total  |
| 74HC165                                      |     4 | 74HC 165           |  0.36 |   1.44 |
| Resistor 10 kOhm                             |    36 | 1/4W 10k           |  0.03 |   1.08 |
| IC-Sockets for serial registers              |     4 | GS 16              |  0.04 |   0.16 |
| 1-row SIL Headers (50 pins)                  |     2 | STIFTL. 40G        |  0.18 |   0.36 |
| Ribbon cable 3 meters                        |     3 | AWG 28-16G         |  0.66 |   1.98 |

1 Dout Module
| Description                                  | Qty   | Part #             | Price | Total  |
| 74HC595                                      |     4 | 74HC 595           |  0.33 |   1.32 |
| Resistor 220 Ohm                             |    32 | 1/4W 220           |  0.03 |   0.96 |
| IC-Sockets for serial registers              |     4 | GS 16              |  0.04 |   0.16 |
| 1-row SIL Headers (42 pins)                  |     2 | STIFTL. 40G        |  0.18 |   0.36 |
| Ribbon cable 3 meters                        |     3 | AWG 28-16G         |  0.66 |   1.98 |

| Description                                  | Qty   | Part #             | Price | Total  |
|  LCD 402A BL                                 |     2 | LCD 402A BL        | 41.70 |        |
|  Rahmen                                      |     2 | LCD FRONT 4        |  8.35 |        |

| Description                                  | Qty   | Part #             | Price | Total  |
| 2 x 24C256, Part #ST 24C256 BN6 

| Description                                  | Qty   | Part #             | Price | Total  |
| 44 or 60 buttons

| Description                                  | Qty   | Part #             | Price | Total  |
| 64 Pots and Caps 
already here

| Description                                  | Qty   | Part #             | Price | Total  |
| 79 LEDs
already here

| Description                                  | Qty   | Part #             | Price | Total  |
| H25PR200                                     |     3 |

| Description                                  | Qty   | Part #             | Price | Total  |
| MW 17-GS/6

Is that all i need? or is there something missing?

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can you please write your questions in a more readable form, because I'm not able to find out which buttons should be useless with pots, and if you already know that only two displays can be connected to the core module or not... (resp. which displays are supported by the firmware)

To the part list: maybe somebody else can check this?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Oh, yes, no problem.

My first question:

Is it possible to connect another 16 buttons to the Box? There are some pins unused in the Layout. I would like to use them as mute/unmute Buttons for my  MC 303.

The three buttons which seem to be useless if i use Pots instead of encoders are labeled scrub, fast and j5. I don't know what they are used for.

Second one:

I think i know the answer. Am i able to use 4 2x20 Displays instead of 2 2x40 Displays? they should display the same data's, but i need them as much as possible :)

The Partlist is copied from your site, should be no problem. The question is if there is something missing

What i have whitten down here:

1 Core Module

3 Din Modules

1 Dout Module

2 or 4 LCD

2 Banksticks

44 or 64 Buttons

79 LEDs



...a lot of framework to do.

Sorry, didn't think enough  as i posted this post up there. It's really unreadable.


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