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Core without MIDIIn...


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This is so annoying... My core is still not getting any MidiIn. I went thru the entire troubleshooting guide. Everything worked as described, but I still don't get any input.

I tried different 18Fs with the Bootloader on it. I get the upload request. Everything fine so far. The opto coupler is definately ok, too. I tested it with the opto test "board".

All components are in place and ok. The Midi sockets are ok and wired correctly.

I cannot seem to find any problem. Still the MidiIn is not working appararently.

Any more ideas before I throw that Core out?  :P

Thanks in advance,


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That's cool. It's not like it your fault. ;)  As I said, I must be missing something horribly obvious. ??? I'll get another board on Monday, so I'll try that one and if it works (it hopefully will) I'll have something to compare.


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Whoopie :D

I did miss something. I whipped my magnifying glass out and checked all connections again. And guess what. There was a tiny blob of soldering tin (about 0.5mm in diameter) stuck (not soldered) between the jumpers and the line to R2. Got it out and - tada - it's working! Thanks for all your help  ;D


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I think I hexadecuple checked everything by now :D

It was not even a soldering problem really. It was just a tiny ball of tin that got stuck there. It wasn't even soldered onto the board. I was just sitting there ;) And if I hadn't accidentally found my magnifiying glass I'd never have found it. Strange. Thanks anyways!


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