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Portal Probz


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I'm trying to sign up to the portal because I have a few files I would like to try and contribute in vague attempt at  putting something positive back into the community. Problem is that I've been waiting almost 1 week  for my confirmation mail to say I filled out the forms etc etc.

Still nothing so, SmashTV are you out there? I filled out the application 3 times now, tried tricking it into sending me a password reminder, which generates nothing.....

Also if anyone reads this and you have built a MBSeq and used TK's front panel Im trying to create a diagram for helping people layout the breadboards with encoders etc. Can anyone help me by looking at their boards and verifying my layout?? (I put a message in the documentation section but no answer yet....)

Kind Regards

Dave mK

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I'm trying to sign up to the portal because I have a few files I would like to try and contribute in vague attempt at  putting something positive back into the community. Problem is that I've been waiting almost 1 week  for my confirmation mail to say I filled out the forms etc etc.

Hi MK!  Sorry about all this.  It's one of those things thats completely frustrating because I can't do anything about it.....

What's happening quite a bit recently is that service providers are either blocking or deleting incoming mail from certain other hosts/providers.  All it takes to get your site on the blacklist(s) is one person to catch a virus or worm that emails using the infected computer's address book, and you can imagine how many people have my domain name in emails on their computer......

To make the problem worse a lot of these providers are sharing blacklists with each other, depending on what anti-spamware that they are using on their mail servers, so coinoptech.com and avishowtech.com are already blacklisted with some email servers that have never passed any mail to or from me...... :(

Kinda makes it hard to have an open community feel when you think the community's server is ignoring you! 

Still nothing so, SmashTV are you out there? I filled out the application 3 times now, tried tricking it into sending me a password reminder, which generates nothing.....

The not so easy simple way around this is to open a throw-away yahoo mail account (free) and use that to register, or if you like you can email me your info (chosen Username/password/email) and I'll create the account for you, ready to use.  Keep in mind though that the same issues that keep the portal's emails from getting to you might keep us from seeing emails to each other........so PM is ok also........

Just so everyone knows, unless the portal's server is way over capacity it will send the confirmation email -when you hit the last button- on the registration.  If the server is slammed with traffic, it switches to running email jobs every 15 minutes.  So if you don't see an expected mail from the portal within 30 minutes it's not likely that it will ever make it to you.

When I first became aware of all of this blacklisting stuff I installed a script that keeps an eye on mail flow, so it lets me know if it's not able to send confirmation mails or if there are other problems.......

Any help or suggestions around this issue would be appreciated, but I'm afraid this is the state of all email worldwide for the forseeable future.



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Aha! I hadnt thought of that one :)

However the account I was trying to signup with was a yahoo account, so I guess maybe they have the domain name blacklisted. I just started looking through the 400 spam I received since monday in my "bulk" mail folder but gave up before I found anything from you. So I guess that means really blacklisted....

Lucky for me I have another much more usable account which I just tried registering with, and low and behold 30 seconds later my account is setup and ready for action, hurrah ;)

Thanks for the help, Im planning on posting up a few bits n bobs I have found helpful....

Although Im still looking for someone to verify my layout for the sequencer boards to mount encoders etc. Come on everyone I know you are too busy playing with the Seq to think about opening it up again, but just think your 15 minutes with a screwdriverr could help reduce countless n00b postz :D (please check my post in the documentation section if you dont know what Im talking about!!!!)


Dave mK

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Don't know, If gmail is blacklisted..  but it handles spam pretty good ;) (only about 4 misses ("ok" mail delivered to spam folder, with a inbox of 2200+ messages))

So if YOU don't care about google corp. having a peek at your mail for serving ads.. and could do with 1GB space.. I've got 50 invitations left ;)

Bye, Moebius

p.s. PM me if interested :)

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Aha! I hadnt thought of that one :)

However the account I was trying to signup with was a yahoo account, so I guess maybe they have the domain name blacklisted. I just started looking through the 400 spam I received since monday in my "bulk" mail folder but gave up before I found anything from you. So I guess that means really blacklisted....

Wow now I'm confused......

As I was writing the novel (reply) above, I tested the portal signup with my yahoo address,  it was all fast and as expected.  The email showed up in my main box (but depending on your yahoo prefs it might have went to spam).

I'll do more testing and email a friend at yahoo to see if he has any answers......



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