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Midi Thru - extra parts?


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Just because i dont want to assume anything and flub it up...are there any EXTRA parts I need to use a midi thru and for the midi out led?

I realise I need an extra LED and an extra DIN receptacle...but anything else? Right now i have a pretty good part list based on Thorsten's orderlist...it appears to be much more up to date than the list from 2000 ;].

but never fear!!! My list is nearing completion and will be available once I get everything.

Cheers yall. ???

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check out : http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_ltc.html

To drive the midi thru only (and 2nd out)

you would not need to stuff the max232

only the 2x74HC00, resistors & caps

You would need both 74HC00's as one drives the midi ports and the other drives the Leds

Maybe someone can help me does anyone know if there is any way to run the LTC module with the midi-com and the additional thru/out ports? at the same time.

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