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Oh no... another newbie


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Hey guys,

Ive haunted the ucapps site for awhile, when considering buying a midi controller, and decided just to build one myself.  You may begin hazing me now.

Well, im wonering what i will all need to build a midibox with up to 64 controllers.  I have circuit bending experiance, so soldering is not new, but everything else is.  Also, what kind of pots, knobs and buttons should i buy?  I looked at the doepfer solution, where everything was 10k, and im wondering if this is the same.

Also, does anyone think that me trying this is a bad idea?  Do you think I will be overwhelmed?  and about how many man hours does it take to put the board together, and how complicated is it to actual hook up controls? (pots, sliders, etc.)

Sorry, i didnt see a newbie FAQ anywhere, so i decided to pose the question to the entire forum.  I hope this place is as community based as it seemed!

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Hey! Welcome Stitch

Also, does anyone think that me trying this is a bad idea?  Do you think I will be overwhelmed?  and about how many man hours does it take to put the board together, and how complicated is it to actual hook up controls? (pots, sliders, etc.)

I happend to hit the UCAPPS page for the same reason as you and like you, I can solder (after soldering  several bantam patch bays, but never before a PCB... but my core boards look very nice :D) and the rest was some foggy cold air.

I'm in the forum for a year now and it's unbelievable what I learned and how enthusiastic I got... Even if I don't have too much spare time (having a family, about 10 to 12 h/day work and still having audio engineering as a hobby in my own studio), I don't care about  the man hours... when my controller is done, I think it's unpayable but it's gonna be MY baby  ::)

You trying it isn't a bad idea... there are so many electronic professionals in this forum... and they help you where ever they can!

Make your dream controller come true  ;D

Greets, Roger

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Man, if you're going to DIY, this is as easy as it gets :) If you want to do something that MIOS/MBHP is directly designed for, just follow the guidelines given to the letter and you can't go wrong. It only really gets hard if you're trying to make the gear do something specialised that hasn't been done yet. And even then, if you like a challenge, it's great fun :)

You said you want to make a controller with 64 knobs.. Just make the MB64. scope out the main page www.ucapps.de and read through the pages for that box, it lists out all the stuff you need. TK makes it a breeze.

And I reckon the community here is stronger than pretty much anywhere I've ever been, virtual or "real world". I think that I'm fortunate to hang around in here, and I hope you'll like it too.

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Do you think I will be overwhelmed?

Overwhelmed is not the word, "sucked in" is more like it..... ;D

It's great to watch/help people learn about electronics, and the MIDIbox is the ultimate carrot-on-the-stick/bait for this..... :)

Have fun, and remember there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers (like when I reply!)    ;)


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