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LTC module on a PARALLEL port?


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Hi folks!

These days, it seems that Serial ports Are phasing out on laptops, or maybe I'm just a lucky winner without a serial port on mine  ;D

I need to get an extra midi port on the damn thing. Any ideas for an LTC -->LPT mod ?

I saw that Midiman Used to sell parallel port midi interfaces. Does anyone know where schematics/drivers for such design might be?

Thanks in advance for any advice,


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Hi Alex,

the Out of the Core is serial regardless of Midi or LTC option, so you would need to build some serial/parallel converter, and probably write your own Windows driver. Way too much effort.

If you need a cheap parallel Midi interface I can recommend the old MotU product line. I´ve got a MotU Pocket Express (2 In, 2 Out, SMPTE) from eBay for 20 Euros. Lately I exchanged it for a Micro Express (4 In, 6 Out) which cost me 35 Euros. Both have Win2k/XP drivers and a parallel port.


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I have one of those Midiman LPT Interfaces. The problem is, that they don't supprt them anymore... NO Fckn.. DRIVER 

There is an old windows driver that suits win95 to winME, see http://www.m-audio.com/index.php?do=support.drivers

I have the serial version, and it has a crappy driver. (half works on one PC, dosen't work at all on another)

It could be easy to clone, as its really just 3x PIC16C54-XT/P, (with a few other components) but whats the point in cloning something that dosen't work?

What does the paralell version have inside?

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forget about parallel port, easiest solution is to buy COM->USB

converter and install drivers for COM port as if you have COM port

I have toshiba laptop which has no COM ports, only USB.

this works excellent, however I am not sure if there is any

latency involved  ???

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