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SID gives me just a 1kHz tone


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I have two core modules, two SID modules (1x6851, 1x8580). (I have a third, unbuilt 8580-set as well)

Mike programmed the PICs for me and I don't have a display, so far.

I'm using 8V DC for the core and 14V AC for the SID, supplied from the same toytrain-transformator (I tried it with a C64 PSU but got a loud buzzing noise, beside the 1kHz tone).

I connected the audio out to one of my guitar amps and the MIDI in to a keyboard or to a USB interface.

Metering the pins described in the documetation, I get the correct voltages.

How do I test the core unit?

Hope you can help me solve the problem, because two of the three synthies are for friends of mine.


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