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Just noticed this forum. Great idea! :)

A while back I was trying to figure a way to get rid of some of this junk. I keep having to buy these ridiculous quantities of stuff off eBay to get what I want.

Haven't yet thought about how much I *know* I'm never going to need, but off the top of my head, I know I've got some new 10k linear pots (panel mount, metal 1/4" grooved shaft), a similar 90 degree PCB mount audio taper pot, dual red CA 7-seg displays in 15mm digit height, nasty looking chromed plastic fader caps and matching round button caps, plus tactile switches out the tail (-someone else's tail).

I'll probably be looking for a decent sized chunk of 3mm LED's soon. I don't know what's with these Asian $15 shipping deals, but I wish someone in the US would auction bags of 100 or so for what they're actually worth.   


PS-- I was also thinking during that "MIDIBox on eBay" thread, that it might be a more acceptable solution in those situations, to post picture links here or somewhere else, along with a brief list of things you might be looking for (rather than a money exchange). It seems there are a lot of people coming here looking for someone else to build them a box, and it would be cool to get a nice mic or something you need in exchange for getting someone else something that they need. I can relate to the "yesterday's project" situation. It usually only takes me about a month to hate something I built. ;) 

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  • 2 weeks later...


My sincere apologies. I was sick most of the week and have been trying to catch up online over the past day (I just saw this).

I went up and looked at what I have. It may have been a bit of an exaggeration. I have a bunch for one guy, but I'm not sure it's enough to not just get them from the same places I did on eBay. They're always so darn cheap, even regular mail postage is probably 2 or 3 times the cost of a hundred or so (these aren't fancy ones).

It appears that two of the three types I have came from the same guy. His name was David and his eBay ID is dakro69. He's good to do business with. He seems to have tons of the items he sells and usually still has whatever you've seen him sell in the past.

The switch I like is this-


It has a cool, solid "click" feel and the actuator is hard glossy black plastic, which is large enough to be used as a button and could even protrude through a round panel hole with no caps. It does however, have a small hole in the center. I wonder if a colored "MasterMind" peg or some kind of tack would fit that hole in the top.

The other one I got from him is this-


(no, I didn't buy 10,000 of them :-X )

Those look like the inspiration for that ridiculous JL Cooper mini-desk 32 thing. I didn't notice how small the shaft would be, as it looks just like one of the standard square ones. It's actually like 2.4mm/.1" or something, with a really small circular indentation on the top. Looks like I've got 100 or something.

The last is from fisher-88 on eBay-


It looks like only 30 or 40 of them. They're weird- 12mm four-pinned body, with a 7mm tall/3.9mm round actuator with a hole in the center with about a 1x1mm "rib" running down opposite sides of it. (like an "o" with a "-" stuck through it)

If anyone should know what cap fits on either of those last two, I'd be interested.

And Drin- I like the 1st ones, so I'm not sure how many I could let go, unless I find a bunch of other dakro69 stuff and can order some more. I bought a couple packs (4 tubes of 10 per pack for $3), and I've already eaten almost half on "test boards". Look through the rest of his stuff if you go. He'll combine shipping as well. BTW- I just noticed the "good" switch that I got has a different color button than the one up now (new one's gray, mines here- http://tinyurl.com/dm3rk ).

I think some of the pots, knobs, keyswitches and number displays are what might actually be worth splitting up and selling here, but I'm such a pack rat, I've convinced myself that I've got projects for all of them, so I'm afraid to let certain ones go. I'll be sure to post here when I figure out what to get rid of. It was all from really good deals, so a percentage of that should be well worth it to someone. 

                                                            -Take Care


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No problem. :)

I'm going to push myself to try to count up my better surplus parts ASAP, so I can see what I can safely part with. There are some much nicer fully capped pushbuttons in there, and it sort of sucks to have them collect dust while someone here might be shopping for the same type.

BTW- Which style were you actually looking for? I've thought about trying those wonderful black ones I like, or the dirt cheap style you see behind panel switches on modern consumer A/V equipment, along with a method of making a rubber (or rubber coated) button membrane to cover them, like in a cheap handheld remote.

If there are already good tips/pictures here or elsewhere, by someone who managed to pull that off, please let me know. It seems like I've already seen it in someone's step-by-step construction pictures.

                                                                       -Take Care


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  • 2 months later...

Crome fader caps are uuuuugly !

(..or at least in accordance to my tastes)

..infact ..sorry to say that most 'chromed' plastic looks awful ...even if it does manage to fool ..it's just makes you feel cheated when you realise its not a nice chunk of aluminum between your fingers..

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Chrome fader caps are uuuuugly !

Maybe so, but I bet they're not as ugly as these ones. ;D

I'm the same way as you with chromed plastic. It's always reminded me of those model car parts you'd see as a kid, where'd they'd all be stuck in a little support frame and you twist them to break the parts free, so they'd all have that sharp little "nub" of leftover plastic on them.

I was thinking these might be coatable somehow, with some colorized liquid latex or something. Might be sort of like a "soft touch" knob.

If the fake chrome's not bad enough, they've also got a crappy little recessed area on the tops. I was thinking maybe that could either be filled with a colored insert or label, or I'd see what it looked like underneath, by sanding it down.

- 10 to 1 they stay in the ziploc bag. 8)


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