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How to realize a "constant time slide"


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Hi Kokoon,

it's not so easy to demonstrate all the possibilities, since there are 127*127 different possibilities (attack rate * curve parameter). However, I've created a new demo where at the first half a linear curve is used, and at the second half a bended curve.

-> http://www.ucapps.de/tmp/mbsid_constant_slide4.mp3

let me get this straight: you did this with linear slide mapped to an exponential table?

not exactly, I've mapped the output of ENV2 to the input of the portamento routine. The amplitude of ENV2 is scaled by the difference between the previous and the target frequency.

By doing so, we always have a constant rate (-> the attack rate), and the shape can be freely bended to the negative and positive direction without changing any code :)

For the case that you don't know the ENV curve feature, here some older snapshots (in my examples, I only used the attack phase, decay is 0, sustain is 127, release is 0)



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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cool, i get it.

so the ENV2 "amount" is current slide range and ENV2 "attack" is actually the slide *time*.

but... isn't it a bit ...shame to loose the ENV2. i mean... i know we're not loosing it - we'll still be able to use it and we're also getting a new feature.

personally, i'd prefer a fixed rounded curve. is there maybe a table already somewhere that could be used?

either way - the slides sound really great now. i'm looking forward to this being implemented and released!!! thanks alot for the constant developing of the mbsid! oh - by the way - will this be available in normal sid mode or just in 303 mode?

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but... isn't it a bit ...shame to loose the ENV2. i mean... i know we're not loosing it - we'll still be able to use it and we're also getting a new feature.

personally, i'd prefer a fixed rounded curve. is there maybe a table already somewhere that could be used?

As always, you guys are requesting things which are not possible, please give me my freedom to say "done" without spending more nights in coding of a feature, which will propably only be used by a small number of people. I'm very happy with the current implementation, and I can live with the limitation, that ENV2 will not be available in this mode.

Thinks which make it impossible: code consumption, register consumption, availability of free CCs (to modify the curve), time to update all the tools (e.g. JSynthLib)

However, I can take a seperate curve feature for portamento into account for the MBSID V2 engine

Btw.: it doesn't work with tables, but with an algorithm which calculates the bended curve in realtime (a very dynamic thinky, once you modulate the curve parameter with the wavetable sequencer :)

either way - the slides sound really great now. i'm looking forward to this being implemented and released!!! thanks alot for the constant developing of the mbsid! oh - by the way - will this be available in normal sid mode or just in 303 mode?

the sound engine option CC has 7 bit, 2 are currently used (TB303 and filter interpolation), 5 are free - so, the third one will be used to route ENV2 to portamento. I think this is a flexible solution, no? :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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the sound engine option CC has 7 bit, 2 are currently used (TB303 and filter interpolation), 5 are free - so, the third one will be used to route ENV2 to portamento. I think this is a flexible solution, no?

oh that's a great idea.

after some thinking - the limitations of a synth is the thing that usualy inspires me (and probably other people too) to explore it and it's possibilities (sound-wise) so i'm not that bothered with the loss of ENV2.

but actually i was hoping to find a simpler solution (for your implementation). now i see that reuse of ENV2 is the simplest :)

i really don't want to shorten your nights!

and again - it sounds really really cool  8) thanks!

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