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MIOS development question


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Allo TK,

Well first let me give you the olibatory congratulations on MIOS, I've yet to test it but look forward to all those cute new functions....

However as per usual I have a question!!!

I am most interested in a MIOS sequencer and would like to implement some slightly "weird" functions ;-) The MIOS progress bar shows that the sequencer will be open source. What will be the development procedure? I have been trying to learn C++ but have a basic grasp of concepts so i'm happy to learn a new langauge......

Once again a thousand thankyouz for helping us musicians with little money build those professional boxes we all crave :-)))

Dave mK

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Hi Dave,

currently everything has to be programmed in assembler language, which is more difficult than C and requires some practice (try&error prototyping) at the beginning. In difference to C you have to learn funny mnemonics (instructions) and you have to "tell" the PIC step by step what he should do. However, this increases the performance of applications a lot, thats maybe the reason why I'm mostly speaking about delays of some nano or microseconds (and not about milliseconds like known from the PC world ;-)). On the other hand it consumes some time to learn and understand the language if you don't have the technical background.

However, I've already started to search for a good programming language which simplifies the implementation of common control tasks. XPL0 looks interesting:


Here are some programming examples:


I haven't evaluated this language yet, but maybe it could be supported by MIOS.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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To be honest, even though it means an increased learning curve, I do kinda like the fact that MIOS is assembler only... However it looks like there is some level of 'scripting' (Refferred to elsewhere as "code snippets") available in MIOS which also make other funtions more accessible...

I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's just fine how it is :)

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I am most interested in a MIOS sequencer and would like to implement some slightly "weird" functions

Excellent news... Myself and my good friend Ben will be working on MIOS sequencer's too - hopefully we will all be able to help each other along.

I don't know what you have in mind, however I actually stumbled accross uCApps while searching for a way to implement some rather "weird" functions myself - things that are not available anywhere else at all, commercially, free, software, hardware or otherwise... They're ideas I've been nurturing for some years now, so they're pretty specific, and as such I'm not too sure if this is the place for us to discuss it, we might be talking too much ??? But I'd definately like to talk with you and we can bounce ideas off each other and blend them into one box perhaps?

Anyway to make a very long story very short, my idea would be like a step sequence-sequencer a-la fruityloops (step sequences are stored as patterns which can also be sequenced into songs) and the major difference is the existence of individual clock multipliers _and_ dividers, both of which can be even or odd numbers, including primes. Simple idea, but nobody has ever done it as far as I can tell.

(In case anyone wonders why I want these features, it's for sequencing polyrhythms)

;-) The MIOS progress bar shows that the sequencer will be open source. What will be the development procedure?

Yeh, I'm pretty interested in this too. I originally thought that my ideas would take major adjustments to the source in order to be implemented, but after MIOS was announced, I was not so sure - and now, with the MIOS Code Reference and the 'code snippets' which we've all drooled over, I mean, seen ;) ... Well it looks like I may not have to make any alterations at all to the source code, and might get away with just adding some code snippets to MIOS.

Once again a thousand thankyouz for helping us musicians with little money build those professional boxes we all crave :-)))

Too True!  ;D

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Allo stryd,

Well its nice to see that I'm not the only one interested (or is that obsessed!) with slightly off the wall sequencers. I think this is an appropriate palce to discuss sequencer ideas, I've not time to detail my plans today as my net access is limited at the moment.....

But I will try and explain some of my ideas over the weekend and as long as TK and the rest dont mind maybe we can keep the dialogue here on the site so others can join the discussion?

I look forward to bouncing my various weird ideas off you ;-))



ps am I correct in assuming the code snippets as mentioned in your mail will let us use a library of mios functions so that I wont have to spend 6 months studying asm code?

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Anyway to make a very long story very short, my idea would be like a step sequence-sequencer a-la fruityloops (step sequences are stored as patterns which can also be sequenced into songs)

Sounds wunderbar.  That's something I'd like to have too.

I haven't programmed in years (BBC Basic) but I have another idea I'd love to see implemented in a hardware sequencer.  I'm really just throwing this in for discussion, to see whether anyone else likes it/thinks it is possible.  And whether it could be done with existing code fragments, or would some low-level coding be involved?  I am keen to learn PIC programming at some stage, but I have no experience.

I'd like to be able to lock sequences to chords or scales.  This is beautifully implemented on my Roland PMA-5, but it's a nightmare to program on its silly touchscreen.  

For example, take an imaginary MIDIbox SEQ with 16 rotaries or faders, each one representing a step in a 16 step bar.  If I move a control, it changes the note for that step up or down, but only to a note in the current scale/chord.

If I change the scale/chord setting, the note pattern alters to fit the new scale/chord.

I can string a sequence of chords together, one to a bar (Band In a Box/Cakewalk style), and my note sequence alters itself to fit.

I guess the scales would need to be stored as a look-up table.  Is there likely to be enough space on the PIC or would it be possible to store them on a bankstick?

A button and LED below each pot is an on/off switch for each note, showing whether it is played or not. A "scale over-ride" button allows you to enter sharps and flats for passing notes.

At the flick of a switch, the pots can be re-assigned to note length, velocity (zero velocity = note off, no need for the on/off button?), any other CC, for each step.  Either that, or extra rows of pots take care of each function.

Please excuse me if any of the things I am describing are already built into the MIDIbox SEQ firmware/MIOS.  I am still familiarising myself with the system, and I am going to start by putting together a basic SID/CORE and build my way up from there.  

In the end, I hope to build a kind of SID-303 ;D

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Mabye its enough when I just adapt the MB64seq to MIOS and release the source code in order to give you the basics? Because this application will include a chord parser (used by the arpeggiator) and a sequencer engine for 4 independent tracks (the length is scalable to up to 64 steps). The user interface is well adapted for the MIDIbox64 hardware, but it could also be changed for a TB303 like surface or something similar.

The source code will give you the answers... ;)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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<waynesworld> "We're not worthy!  We're not worthy!" </waynesworld>

Once again Thorsten, you have anticipated my every need... Thanks for the reply.

Hey wait!  The SID has an arpeggiator too, doesn't it? Muahahahahaaa

"use the source, Luke, the source will be with you, always"

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Guest Flownezz

I would just like to say that This community is probably one of the best on the net I have ever seen....EVER...  Thorsten, i think your genius and your generosity has inspired us all.  I have yet to see a harsh posted in this forum which is rare, plus everybody has captured your spirit of sharing knowledge and ideas.  Mabey a few political leaders could learn some valuable lessons from people here.  

Happy, inspired, enlightened and so much more  8)

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may I just agree with all of you about the net being about escaping the clutches of the massive corporations!!

Tk you generosity has inspired me build controllers which I could never of dreamed of designing or buying....

I cant wait to play with motorised faders, sids and a million ledz ;-))

I'm looking forwrad to the sequencer source.....

Regards to everyone who replied to this post!!!


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Currently the source codes are released under the so called "Artistic License" (see COPYRIGHT.txt which is included in every source archive), but I'm planning to switch to the GPL in the near future, since it has a stronger community for the case that any manufacturer violates the license.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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