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Testing AIN board


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I want to test my AIN however I only have a couple of pots i purchased simply for this reason, to test my AIN board before buying all 32 pots.

Smash told me to use jumpers to clamp inputs A4 through A7 to ground on J5B of the core. It's done. So J5 of the AIN is connected to J5A of my Core and 3 pins of J6 to the other J6.

I have +5 getting to pins 1 and 3 of the pot and ive moved pin 2 around on diff. inputs of the first multiplexer and i dont get any MIDI Out messages  ??? Do I have to connect all 4 multiplexers and have all pots ocnnected in order to get to output something? My DIN board works fine!

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To only know if the multiplexer works out fine, I used this here: Clamp all analog input pins to ground except one "measuring" pin. This has to be left open up! If you now power on the MB should be sending Midi messages all the time. If you touch it with your finger (as you are yourself an antenna) it should even send much more!

This way you don´t need the pots connected to get a first "functional" test up and running.

If this test fails, something with your AIN or the interconnection to the core should be wrong.

No, you don´t need all the multiplexer IC´s inserted. btw: Normally you want to have the pot connected like that: Pin1 - GND, Pin2 - AIN connection, Pin3 - 5 Volt (why? So at least some current is flowing and the Voltage is divided smoothly in the pot itself. If you have 5 volts on P1 and P3 there´s no current flowing and so you have two parallel 5kOhm resistances in front of your AIN input); but I think you already knew, right? ;)


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this is ok;

just to be sure; you do press "build"/"make" in the MPLAB right? just saving the main.asm won't work.

if it's not this, it's probably some bad connections (and did you wire your pots like pay_c said; +5V, Ain, Ground?)

good luck, marcel

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I'm a total newb and have already been moaned at for not reading enough but i do remember Thorsten saying in the thread above that


should be


Don't kick off if this is something entirely different though, It just looked similar to me :)

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The MUX=multiplexer has to be turned of if motorfaders are connected and *can* be turned of if less than 8 analoge inputs are used. So MUX=1 is ok.

I agree with illogik. To go *really* sure, check both last edit dates (in Windows you´ve got to enable the details view for that) of both main.asm and the .syx files sended to the MB. If both is newer date (near to your edit  ;) ) it´s your stuff normally. FIRST you have to save the main.asm BEFORE compiling it! Sometimes this is overseen, too. If you don´t you´ll compile the old stuff within MPLAB.


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thanks a lot guys. I wasn't proceding the right way. All I had done was edit the main.asm file and ran the convertall batch file but the new program never worked so I downloaded the MPLAB IDE program and simply BUILT the edited asm file and uploaded the new hex file. It works!

I finally get all the super fast retarded AIN output messages. Now i see what the fuss was about  8)

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