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C64 Keyboard as DIN


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i have probably a different view on what i would like to use it for.. but i have some interesting ideas which could be build into the workstation.. also i think i can reduce code size.. but that is a uncalculated guess.. also id rather PM or MSN than anything else, i have a dislike for email.. my email boxes are chaos..

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I guess only one chip got a connection problem, or maybe it's a power problem.

Did you check for shortcuts around the 'power lines' (dont know the word :/ )

Well, i'm sorry to ask you for this, but, to debug easily, could you change your connection to this :

One (two wires) for the power.

One (three wires) for the 74hc595

and another one for the 74hc165

(so you can test lines separately, and see wich part do the problem)

Then, maybe there is an error on my schematics (honestly, i doubt as mine works fine), but you can compare with this scheme , that is basicaly the same : http://ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_scan_matrix1.pdf

(or doutx1 and dinx1)

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im guessing its somewhere along the powerlines.. as ive disconnected all the wires exept the power..

ive also disconnected the power wires.. and it did start up.. however it does work without chips..

and ive replaced both chips..

edit:also ive measured resistance between vs and vd.. and with chips in place there is an infinite amount of resistance..

edit2: also if i put one of the chips in (either one) it wont startup..

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maybe there is something wrong with te fact that it says SI instead of SL on my board.. but im guessing thats just a typo from your side..

*a bit later*

ok i think i have it working now..VD and VDD, VS and VSS are not the same thing.. appearantly they are exactly the opposite thing.. rotated my power plug 180 degrees did the trick.. i think..

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had to replace the PIC.. as i was getting a load of nonsens through the display.. but right now its in working order..  i really like that sequencer!! well it looks good anyway..(but ive seen the buggy problems with it.. as it cuts right through text etc.. but i dont mind..) i havent actually controlled any synths with it yet.. first i have to fix the problem with it sending out a whole lot of controller data.. (well i have to install the pots now.. that should eliminate that problem..)

but so far so good.. and i like it..

however im gonna need a whole lot of changes :P

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yup.. it works.. i prolly need to open another topic on this.. i dont wanna fowl up your topic with my banter about building one.. but before that.. here are some things i found..

the screen gets gargbled sometimes with weird characters.. as if im looking at source code.. this is appearantly cuz of the way i plug in power.. weird..

only 2 of the 5 pots actually send stuff.. they all work.. as i can scroll through the "source code" with all 5 of them..

keymapping is way off.. i have used a c64 mark2 or whatever its called.. the one with the 8580..

if this program is going into the world this keymapping should be fixed.. tell me how i can help..

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the screen gets gargbled sometimes with weird character

Dos you have a bankstick installed ?

Maybe it happend when you start the sequencer when the 24lc256 is not installed ?

About the pots :

Have a look in variables.h at

const joy_map

You have to set manualy what to send, but basicaly, it was designed for two pots only (a analog joystick to be precise) but you just have to change the length of that array ;)

Can you send me a photo of your keyboard, i'm not sure i know wich one you are talking about ??? Do you have 64 keys or more ?

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no bankstick installed.. however it does it when it starts up.. when it has started up fine.. it runs fine..

as for the foto of my keyboard.. check this..http://hku.wisefire.net/

dont try to read it.. its dutch.. the keyboard looks the same.. it has 64 keys..

but it works prolly different.. as i get weird shit when i punch the keys..

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he keyboard looks the same.. it has 64 keys..

but it works prolly different.. as i get weird shit when i punch the keys..

Ok, so you have to re-map the keyboard (boring...), with

const char note_map[64][2] = { // 1st value : note  - 2nd value : ASCII CODE

in variables.h, but i guess you allready dig that one.

In SM_NotifyToggle, you should use the 'Debug mode' so you can see wich number has the key you pressed.

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if i rotate it 180 degrees its gets even more weird.. the sequencer start is on 0 then instead of run/stop

as for code variations.. maybe it wasnt clear.. but im nowhere near your level yet..

edit: now im actually reading your code.. im affraid i wont learn this in a week.. :S im gonna try to write a program that just sends out a CC value for the keys and the 5 pots.. i have a lot of cewl ideas.. but if im to get ahead with my project its best i implement them in max/msp instead of the box itself.. however im gonna write up a document with the ideas..  argh.. this is taking too much time :P nah its all good..

maybe ill change my mind again..

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Ok, i will try to find the time to do a lighter version of the program, because i did so much experiments, that it is very ofuscated, and most part of it is 'useless' in this simple configuration. Just give me few days !

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well.. ive been a bit stupid.. didnt try out the test programs that TK had made.. the scan matrix examples.. they work.. and they uncovered a problem!! appearantly my col:3 doesnt send anything out.. instead it says its col:1

ive tested the the circuit ive made which bill put together.. but the resistance between the col:3 pin and the col:1 pin is about 20kohm.. which it should be.. as all the other pins have the same resistance between them..

ive replaced the shift register.. which didnt seem to help.. so now ive got this weird problem.. as only this col doesnt work and all the other work..

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ive tested another keyboard.. this was doing the same thing..

ive checked the resistance between col:3 and col:1 on the keyboard itself.. no short..

i think im gonna try to connect a normal din and dout and see if the problem remains..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Khm, khm...C128 user here, I built my MB into the C128D case and have a detachable keyboard with....so to speak....too many pins[D-SUB 25]. Any hope I might connect this somehow and not bloat my MB with extra DINx3+1?

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